Cabot Classic

2023 — Cabot, AR/US

JEM Award

J.E.M Award

In Memory of

Jordan Esther Merrick

In January 2016, the Cabot High School Forensics and Debate team lost one of our family members and close friends, Jordan Esther Merrick.  Jordan filled our team and our hearts with inspiration and kindness.  No one doubted she would become a star one day with her loving and impactful spirit, and her endless talent she had in the performing arts.  Jordan had a true passion for forensics and theater, and she was always willing to do as much as she could, as she was always eager to try new things.  We will never forget the lessons she taught us, the laughs we shared, or the incredible talent Jordan had.  

With her passing, our team became a stronger family. We realized we only walk with our loved ones for a small time on this earth, and we should never take that time for granted.  Jordan was a leader and cheerleader for her teammates and family.  She always had encouraging words to give out and a smile on her face.  She showed true compassion and empathy for her friends and forensics family. 

We would like for you to nominate a student from your forensics/debate family that has had an impact on your team.  Please write a 200-500 word explanation of why you feel they reflect the characteristics that our dear Jordan portrayed and why they are deserving of the award.

All nominees will be called to the stage at the awards assembly and presented with flowers.  The winner will be presented with our J.E.M. Award.

Please email nominations to by Friday, January 6th.