The Grady Franklin Trojan Invitational

2024 — Forest City, NC/US

Congress Schedule

NSDA rules regarding session length require the total floor debate time, not counting recesses, to add up to 10 minutes per competitor in chamber, whether they speak or not. Therefore, a chamber of 20 requires 200 minutes of actual floor debate time. This is three hours and 20 minutes. To allow for this, sessions at the Grady Franklin Invitational will be 3.5 hours in length. This gives 200 minutes of floor debate time plus ten minutes of recess time. Chambers may only end earlier if the parliamentarian and judges all confirm that the chamber unanimously agreed that no one else wished to speak. This vote must must be seen by all judges present and may not be conducted until the chamber is ready to end debate for the session. It cannot be agreed on at any other time during the session - only at the end of debate. If any student objects, the session must continue until the scheduled stop time. If the chamber number drops below 20 entries, ten minutes may be deducted from each session for each student that the chamber is short of 20 in size.


SESSION ONE: 9 AM - 12:30 PM

LUNCH RECESS: 12:30 PM - 1:15 PM

SESSION TWO: 1:15 PM - 4:45 PM