North Dakota Roughrider District Tournament

2023 — ND/US

North Dakota Roughrider District Qualifier

for the 2024 National Tournament
Baymont Inn - Mandan
Mandan, ND
Fri 11/3 Sat 11/4 HSE SEN
Ramada Inn Fargo
Fargo, ND
Fri 2/2 Fri 2/2 LD PF
Baymont Inn - Mandan
Mandan, ND
Sun 4/14 Tue 4/16 BQ DI DUO HI INF IX OO POI USX

Hello Coaches,

Happy (Belated) National Speech and Debate Education Day!

Please review the Google Doc Link for our Spring-Ish “newsletter” regarding the Speech & Big Questions Qualifier held in April.

Attached you will find the “Paper Based” registration form that needs to be completed and sent to Sue Anderson. This also serves as your invoice.

  • If you scroll to the third page, it asks for World Schools Debate nominations. Those are also due on April 2 with all other registration information. link to “officially” register your students can be found:

  • As of me sending this email on March 2 it currently has debate registration information listed. That’ll eventually get cleaned up and updated ????

A Belonging and Inclusion Space (and Advocate) will be available at the speech/BQ qualifier. Please let your students, coaches, judges, and guests know about this.

  • It is important to acknowledge that the BIS/BIA is for all belonging and inclusion efforts. Some examples of what it could be used for include: a senior just saw they didn’t advance in their event and realizes they already performed their piece for the last time and just wants a place to decompress. A student heard a moving piece in POI or Dramatic (for example) that brought up some feelings they’d like time to process or talk about (and maybe can’t find their coach because they’re in a round). A judge heard some students in the hallway making some unkind remarks about a student and would like an official tournament person to talk to them.

You can learn more about the BIS at this site: