LAMDL You Say You Want A Resolution

2024 — Los Angeles, CA/US

The Los Angeles Metropolitan Debate League invites you to:

"You Say You Want a Resolution?" Debate Tournament

Date: May 25th, 2024 - ONE DAY ONLY
Location: 3501 Trousdale Pkwy, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Judge's Room: THH (Taper Hall - 101)
Parking: McCarthy Structure Suggested

Tournament Helpline [Text Only]: (213) 537-6714



This tournament will feature a special year-end demo debate and lunch. To include this, we've made adjustments to our schedule to start 30 minutes earlier than usual for Saturday. Here is the updated schedule of events:

Saturday Morning
08:30 AM | Morning Shift Judge Check-In & Training
09:00 AM | Round 1 (N/J)
11:30 AM | Round 2 (N/J)

1:00 PM | "You Say You Want a Resolution" Public Debate & Benefit

Saturday Afternoon
2:00 PM | Afternoon Shift Judge Check-In & Training
2:30 PM | Afternoon Shift Pairings Release
3:00 PM | Round 3 (N/J)
5:30 PM | Round 4 (N/J)

Saturday Evening
8:30 PM | Awards Ceremony
9:30 PM | Buses Depart