LAMDL You Say You Want A Resolution

2024 — Los Angeles, CA/US

2. Guest Protocol for USC Campus

In response to recent student protests, the USC campus has set up stricter security to enter campus. In order to be allowed on campus, all attendees & participants (coaches, judges, students, observers, parents, etc) will need to be given a guest pass in advance of the tournament. The pass is a QR code they can access on their phone or print in advance.

To be added to the tournament guest list, I need a list of attendees & participants from each school emailed to me. This list needs to include:

  1. First & Last Name for every attendee
  2. Email contacts for each individual attendee
  3. Phone number for each individual attendee

I am working with USC Debate to process everyone. We want to give everyone guess passes by next Tuesday. This will give us time to make sure everyone has their passes and to correct any mistakes for folks that do not receive it initially.