LAMDL You Say You Want A Resolution

2024 — Los Angeles, CA/US

COVID Rules & Requests

Is masking required during the 2023-24 school year?

Indoor masking is strongly recommended, but not required, for all employees, students and visitors at Los Angeles Unified elementary, secondary and adult school campuses, Expanded Transitional Kindergarten/Preschool Collaborative Classrooms (ETK/PCC), and in all non-school locations (including school buses and vans), with some exceptions. This guidance also applies to students, employees, and visitors at EECs, EECPCCs, CSPPs, Infant Centers, and PALS classrooms.

Per Los Angeles County Department of Public Health requirements, all individuals who are identified as close contacts are required to wear a highly protective mask indoors at school for 10 days after the last date of exposure. Students with mask accomodations who are identified as a close contact must quarantine at home for 10 days following last date of exposure.

What should I do if I or anyone in my household has COVID-19 like symptoms?

If you or anyone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms, it is important to test for COVID-19 as soon as possible. Students and employees can obtain a rapid antigen test kit from their school or work supervisor. Persons with symptoms should self-quarantine pending the test results because COVID-19 is very contagious. That individual should also separate themselves from everyone in their household, so they do not transmit the virus to any family members in the home. They should wear a mask and social distance if they must be in the same room as a household member. Follow hand hygiene recommendations and avoid sharing any personal items.