The Ed Long Invitational at The Hockaday School

2024 — Dallas, TX/US

Sweepstakes and Awards

Awards and Sweepstakes:

We will offer awards for Quarters and above in all debate events. All IE finalists will receive an award.

We will provide awards for the top 3 Speakers in all debate events.

Sweepstakes points:

Debate: 1stPlace- 20 points, 2ndPlace- 15 points, 3rdPlace- 10 points.

Non-advancing Quarterfinalists- 5 points, Other non-advancing elimination debates- 3 points.

Each preliminary debate win- 1 point.

All other events: 1stPlace- 20 points, 2ndPlace- 15 points, 3rdPlace- 10 points, Non-placing finalists- 5 points. Non-advancing semifinalists- 3 points.