The Ed Long Invitational at The Hockaday School

2024 — Dallas, TX/US

Speech Schedule


8:30am Extemp Draw

9:00am Rd 1 Section A (DX, IX, HI, DI, PO)

10:30am Rd 1 Section B (DUO; Info; OO, POI, PR)

11:30am Extemp Draw

12:00pm Section A Rd 2 (DX; IX; HI; DI; PO)

1:30pm Rd 2 Section B (DUO; Info; OO, POI, PR)

2:30pm. Extemp Draw

3:00pm Section A Elim #1 (Semifinal or Final based on numbers)

4:30pm Section B Elim #1 (Semifinal or Final base on numbers)

5:30pm Extemp Draw

6:00 Section A Elim #2 (Final based on numbers)

7:00pm Section B Elim #2 (Final based on numbers)

We will communicate to you which events will go to a semifinal or final round based on this schedule. We also reserve the right to accelerate the schedule when warranted or numbers allow.