The Ed Long Invitational at The Hockaday School

2024 — Dallas, TX/US

WSD Schedule and Motions

Friday November 8

4:00PM Rollcall and Impromptu Motion/Judge Briefing

5:00PM Round 1 Begins

7:00PM Round 2: TH believes that the acquisition of startups by large corporations does more harm than good.

Saturday November 9

9:00AM Round 3: TH prefers conditional foreign aid to unconditional aid.

10:30AM Round 4 Rollcall and Impromptu Motion Announcement

11:30AM Round 4 Begins

1:45PM Elim 1 Rollcall and Impromptu Motion Announcement

2:45PM Elim 1 Begins

4:30PM Elim 2: TH regrets the dominance of the two-party system in American politics.

6:30PM Elim 3: Elim 3 Rollcall and Motion

7:30PM Elim 3 Begins