Plano West Wolf Classic

2024 — Plano, TX/US

Event Information

The following are the rules for the various events being offered. In most cases, TFA rules will apply. The following is a summary of the basic rules. If you are not sure of specific guidelines, please refer to the TFA Constitution found at the following website:


DRAMATIC INTERPRETATION: Selections shall be cuttings from published-printed novels, short stories, plays, poetry, or any other printed-published materials that are dramatic in nature. Presentation must be memorized, without props or costumes. Cutting may not have been used by this contestant at a T.F.A. tournament prior to this year in this or another event. Time limit will be 10 minutes, inclusive of introduction.

HUMOROUS INTERPRETATION: Same as Dramatic but humorous in nature.

EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING: There will be two divisions- U.S. and International. The contestants will drawthree topics, select one, then have 30 minutes to prepare. There will be no discussion or exchanging of information in the prep room. Published materials may be used in the prep room (books, magazines, newspapers). Contestants may also make use of electronic retrieval devices. No note cards may be used. The time limit is 7 minutes.

ORIGINAL ORATORY: The oratory must be the original work of the contestant and not used in a T.F.A. tournament prior to this year. The speech must be truthful- any non-factual information must be identified. No more than 150 words of direct quotation may be used. Quotes must be underlined in red ink on the script of the speech, which must be made available to the tournament director upon request. The time limit will be 10 minutes.

PROSE: Selection must be from a published prose work NOT from a play or screenplay. Work must be read from a folder/binder. A memorized introduction stating the title and author is required. Excessive dramatics are discouraged. Time limit is 7 minutes.

POETRY: Same as Prose but must be poetic in nature.

DUO INTERP: They may include selection from a published novel, play, short story, or poem. No props or costumes other than the two chairs provided. Scene must be memorized and cannot have been used by either contestant prior to this year in this or another event. Time limit is 10 minutes.

PROGRAM ORAL INTERPRETATION POI is a program of oral interpretation of thematically-linked selections chosen from at least two genres: prose, poetry, drama (plays). At least two pieces of literature that represent at least two separate genres must be used. Unlike the other interpretation events, Program Oral Interpretation may use multiple sources for the program.

INFORMATIVE SPEAKING An informative speech is an original speech designed to explain, define, describe, or illustrate a particular subject. The general purpose of the speech is for the audience to gain understanding and/or knowledge of a topic. Any other purpose such as to entertain or to convince shall be secondary. The use of audio/visual aids is optional.


Debate events will follow the NSDA rules of evidence. Please adhere to those expectations.

VARSITY LINCOLN-DOUGLAS DEBATE: 4 minutes prep time for each competitor will be used.


L-D TOPIC:The topic will be the September/October topic The United States ought to require that workers receive a living wage.

VARSITY CROSS-EXAMINATION DEBATE: Time limits shall be 8-3-5 with 8 minutes preparation time per team.


C-X TOPIC: We are debating the 2024-25 resolution. Here it is for those of you that forgot:

Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.

PUBLIC FORUM: The topic will be the September/October topic Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially expand its surveillance infrastructure along its southern border.

Public Forum will use the NSDA rules for the summary speech and preparation time.

In Public Forum, we will also enforce these rules/procedures for evidence exchanges. They are as follows:

1. When requested, the team of which the evidence is requested will have one minute to produce the requested evidence. If requests for multiple pieces are made, accommodations will be made for that, but the exchange should occur in a comparable time frame.

2. At the end of the minute, if the team can not produce the evidence, preparation time for that team will then be used to locate that evidence. If the team would rather just have the evidence dropped from the round, they will have that choice. In short, produce the evidence, or the team will need to use prep time to do so, or can choose to drop the evidence from the debate

There are norms that need to be adopted by the PF community. Here are some suggestions that will facilitate the above process:

1. Exchange cases prior to the beginning of the debate. Email chains are great things

2. Have whatever sources of evidence you use readily available and ready to exchange if requested. Embed links in the case if needed; have them pulled up on your computer ready to add to an email chain. Just exchange your evidence once you have finished your speech.


Rules for Congress can be found on theTFA website. We will continue to hold all Congress rounds with a schedule on Friday so that cross entries in some individual events will be allowed. We will post the itinerary for the Congress under a separate heading on this website. The agenda will be posted under the Congress tab once we know that legislation for the Spring 2024 semester.