YFL Warmup

2024 — NSDA Campus, CA/US

Welcome to our Digital YFL Warmup to kick off the 2024-2025 school year! This will be a great opportunity for our new YFL members to get accustomed to the forensics community, see what a tournament day looks like (in terms of schedule), and be welcomed into the YFL community!

Students may be registered for this tournament if they meet the one of the following criteria:

  • 1st year YFL competitor
  • Have competed in 1-2 tournaments in the past season


For every 5 Speech entries, 1 judge will be required.

For every 3 Congress entries, 1 judge will be required.

For every 2 Debate entries, 1 judge will be required.

Judge Qualifications:

-Current YFL juniors and seniors with at least 250 speaker points may judge the tournament. We will do our best to code off students from judge their new team mates accordingly.

-YFL Alum!!! Recent graduated alumni are more than welcome to help judge rounds for our YFL Warmup!

-Community Members: we will always be happy to have our usual community judges help judge and welcome our new YFL'ers!

Event Categories:

-In the event that events have low entry counts, we will collapse events into other events of similar nature

-Example: If Original Advocacy has 4 or less entries, it will be combined with Original Oratory.

Double Entry: