UCLA Invitational

2024 — NSDA Campus, CA/US

Referral Discount

The 2024 UCLA Invitational is happy to offer discounts to programs that refer other programs to our tournament. We hope that this makes our tournament more affordable for attending programs and creates a livelier, more competitive experience for students.

For each entry (i.e. one LD Debater, pair of DUO Speakers) entered by a program referred to us by your institution, your institution will receive a 2% discount. If you refer an institution with one entry, you will receive a 2% discount, if you refer two institutions with five entries each you will receive a 20% discount and if you refer one institution with ten entries each you will receive a 20% discount.

Discounts are applied after the referred institution emails a member of our tournament staff, from the email they have listed as their contact for our tournament. Their email should include: the name of their institution, and the name of the institution that referred them. Upon receiving that email, we will apply the discount to your institution’s entries and notify you that we have done so. The discount only applies for completed, verified entries, not TBAs, and will be removed if the referred entries are dropped. If after notifying us of the referral, the school that was referred adds additional entries, they may send us another email to notify us that their entries have been updated, and we will update your discount.