Peninsula Invitational

2025 — Rolling Hills Estates, CA/US

Judging info


All balloting will be done electronically. All judges need to be linked to a Tabroom account to be registered. Seasoned competitors in their third or fourth year of competition are permitted to judge the novice division of their event.

All judges are required to have judge philosophies on Tabroom. Failure to do so will result in losing preferences/strikes and/or not having the judge count towards fulfilling the school’s judging obligation.

Any limitations on availability need to be communicated in the “Notes” section on Tabroom. Any surprises during the tournament will be treated as “no shows” (e.g. a judge paired for round three who isn’t on campus has not fulfilled her judging requirement, even if she’s only in for three rounds and was on campus for the other five rounds, unless this conflict was communicated to the tournament beforehand).

Judging obligations:

Varsity Policy and Parli: 3 rounds per entry

LD, PF, and Novice Policy: 2 rounds per entry

Speech and Congress: 1 judge for every 6 entries or fraction thereof

Please request hires through Tabroom for any judging commitments you are unable to meet. Each school that has entries not covered by a judge from the school will be assessed uncovered judge fees. These will be higher than the cost to hire judges, in order to encourage schools to request hires in advance. Hired judging is limited and takes some effort to arrange. The deadline for hired judging is 1/2/2025 at 5 pm Pacific.

A Judge may only cover entries in either speech or debate, but not both.

Judges are committed to judge one round beyond when the last student from that school is eliminated from competition. Missed round fees will be assessed if judges leave before your commitment is filled.