Grapevine Classic

2024 — Grapevine, TX/US

Tournament Guidelines


36th Annual Grapevine Classic Guide

General Guidelines

*Ballots will be ONLINE through All coaches, competitors, and judges will need to create a (free) account to participate in the tournament.

*Postings for all rounds will be blasted.

*An adult sponsor (authorized by the school) must be in attendance at all times.

*All written manuscripts for Oratory and Informative Speaking must be available upon request.

*All typed cuttings and physical copies of sources for all Interpretation events must be available upon request.

*Any team or competitor that is more than 15 minutes late to their round will forfeit that round with zero speaker points. Exceptions will be made for those who are late due to tournament error.

*We will accelerate the schedule when possible – please remain available during the tournament to avoid forfeiture.

*All judges will complete training prior to judging their first round at the tournament.

*No-show judges, like no-show students- will be charged.

*If you are not listed on an assigned round to judge, you will be on standby and should stay in hospitality until the round is cleared.

*All school judges- both IE and debate are obligated to judge 1 round past their student’s elimination; please remain available.

*Facilities Fee - a $50 facilities fee will be charged per school. What does this cover? It covers online platform management and building maintenance.

*Concessions will be available for purchase.

Entry Limits, Event Sections, & Cross-Entry Sections

Students cross-enter at their own risk. Students who do not arrive in time to perform to their round risk disqualification or being ranked last in their round.

Section A: Dramatic Interpretation, Informative Speaking, Poetry, Duo Interpretation, Novice Oral Interpretation

Individuals may enter 2 events in this section. Individuals entered in section A may also enter Section B OR C.

Section B: Humorous Interpretation, Original Oratory, Program of Oral Interpretation, Prose, Duet Acting

Individuals may enter 2 events in this section. Individuals entered in Section B may also enter Sections A OR D.

Section C: Domestic Extemp, International Extemp, and Novice Extemp

Individuals may enter 1 event in this section. Individuals entered in Section C may also enter in Section A OR D.

Section D: Congressional Debate

Individuals entered in Congressional debate may also enter Section B OR C.

Section E: Cross Examination Debate, Lincoln Douglas Debate, Public Forum Debate, & World Schools

Individuals may enter 1 event in this section. Individuals may NOT enter any other events in any other section in the tournament.

Entry Limits Per School: Quick Reference Chart


Entry Limit Per School













Extra Notes on Entry Limits and Cross-Entry:

* Entries in CX will be limited to 2 entries, 4 entries per LD, and 4 entries in PFD.

* We will have a waiting list for schools who might want more than their limit, but that list will only be used if the entry total is below our maximum.

* Entries are limited in Congressional Debate to 8 from each school with a waitlist available for more entries, and it will run on a schedule that Congressional Debate entries may enter.

* Individual Events are limited to a total of 4 events in sections A and B, with a limit of 2 in each section, and a total limit of 8 competitors entered in sections A and B for each school.

* Individual events will be Saturday only with every IE entry guaranteed 2 preliminary rounds for each event before going into the required elimination rounds depending on the entry.

* Brackets will not be broken in any debate event. We will also be planning to have panels in elimination rounds, if possible.

* We do reserve the right to collapse JV and Varsity in any event in order to retain reasonable numbers for the Varsity division. However, if this decision is made, entries originally entered in JV will NOT be required to cover Varsity level fees.

Debate Topics

* The LD topic will be the September/October NSDA topic

* The CX topic will be the high school 2024-2025 Policy topic

* The PFD topic will be the September/October NSDA topic

* The World School Debate Topics will be announced or published on August 15.

* Congress Legislation selected for each session will be published August 15.

Extra Notes on Topics:

* Contact us if you need event rules for the TFA events, which can be found at

* Congress legislation and World School Debate prepared motions are available in the same location.


* Friday, September 6 at 5:00 pm - Entry Deadline. You may continue to make changes on the site without penalty until the drop deadline. No new schools may enter after this time.

* Friday, September 6 at 5:00 pm - Judges Due & Fees Freeze.

* Friday, September 6 at 5:00 pm - Jonathan Brody Award Nominations Deadline

* Wednesday, September 6 at 5:00 pm – Drops and Name Changes Deadline. All name changes and drops are due at this point. Drops made after the deadline and before the first day of the tournament (September 13, 2024) will accrue a $25 nuisance fee plus the loss of your entry fee. If you drop an entry on the day of the tournament, you'll accrue an additional nuisance fee of $50 per drop plus loss of your entry fee.

* Thursday, September 12 at 1:00 pm - Prefs Deadline


Please pay as promptly as possible. We know this is early in the year but payment is due upon registration or proof of check request or a purchase order. If you have concerns about paying on time, email Demarcus Powell at for assistance. No student will be allowed to participate unless proof of payment arrangements are provided. Checks should be made to “The Grapevine Classic”. If you have an outstanding balance from the previous year, your school will not be able to compete until this balance is paid.

Please send checks to the school address:

Grapevine High School

Attn: Lisa Mason

3223 Mustang Dr.

Grapevine, TX


Please send POs to


* Anyone wishing to be hired by the Grapevine Classic should fill out the HIRED JUDGE form.

* Each school is required to provide at least 1 QUALIFIED judge per event entered.

* Grapevine Classic will use ONLINE BALLOTS through TABROOM.COM.

* ALL JUDGES will need to get a account no less than two weeks from the tournament start date. Tabroom accounts are required to post a paradigm and access the ballots when the tournament begins.

* Schools are expected to bring QUALIFIED judges.

* Our tournament judges - both volunteer and hired - will be utilizing NSDA’s judge training prior to the tournament.

* Schools may not “buy out” their obligations.

* If you have a judge on Friday for debate, you must also have a judge on Saturday or you will pay for a judge on Saturday.


* 3 Rounds per entry in VCX/JCX.

* 3 Rounds per entry in VLD/JLD/VPF/JPF

* 1 judge per 8 Congress/IE/Duo entries or portion thereof

* 1 judge per 2 WSD teams or portion thereof

* If you cannot provide the judges you are responsible for based on your entries, please see the fee chart below:

Judging Fees:




$30.00 per Round


$30.00 per Round


$30.00 per Round







Extra Notes on Judges:

*Every judge in the pool is obligated 1 round past your school's elimination in that event.

*ALL SCHOOL JUDGES MUST BE SUBMITTED BY FRIDAY, September 6, 2023, AT 5:00 PM or fees will be added to your invoice.

Pref Sheets

* We use MJP for CX and LD. We use a strike sheet for PFD.

* Our goal is to have rankings/rating sheets online by Wednesday morning to allow schools to review these lists and enter their choices online. Those will be done on the website.

* Schools will have until 1 PM on Thursday, September 12th to enter their preferences. Any school that opts to/neglects to fill out the information online (and by the deadline) will forfeit the privilege to do so.

* Debate coaches are strongly encouraged to embrace the responsibility of filling this information out themselves and not turning it over solely to students.

* If the tab room feels adjustments to the judge pool/assignments are in the best interest of the tournament to do so, we will exercise that option. So that no confusion about this statement exists, one example where the tab room might exercise its jurisdiction to change a panel's makeup is if all first-year judges make up an elimination round panel. Rest assured we will attempt to honor preferences.

* If a school's judge fails to meet the school's commitment, a fine of $100.00 will be assessed. Those not paying within 30 days will have a letter will be sent to their principal or head of school.


Grapevine HS has a long history as a complete squad of winning in All Debate Events and All Speech events, thus we have decided to award other schools which have strong programs in both.

There will be 1 Sweepstakes Award for Debate, 1 Sweepstakes Award for IEs, and then a GRAND SWEEPSTAKES which will include schools that enter BOTH Debate events and IE events.

SWEEPSTAKES FORMULA - May be updated prior to tournament start date due to sweepstakes adjustments.

All IE'S, Duo/Duo:

1st - 20

2nd - 15

3rd – 10

Finals - 5

Congressional Debate:

1st – 20

2nd – 15

3rd – 10

4th -8th - 5

CX, LD, PFD, and WS Debate:

1st -20

2nd- 15

3rd -10

Quarters - 5