Quarry Lane Invitational

2024 — Dublin + NSDA Campus, CA/US

TOC Bid Level

For the University of Kentucky's Tournament of Champions, Quarry Lane Invitational is a finals bid (for gold) and semis bid (for silver) for Public Forum debate, as well as variable bid for eligible Speech events.

Eligible speech events are all events except Impromptu Speaking and Declamation.

Specific speech bid rules are here: https://ci.uky.edu/debate/toc/bids/bid-tournaments and are reproduced below:

A fully qualified Speech entry is an individual competitor, or intact duo partnership, with at least 2 bids earned during the 2024–2025 season. If one or more qualifying tournaments has only 2 preliminary rounds, then to be fully qualified, the entry must have 3 bids. Bids earned in Prose or Poetry count toward qualification in Oral Interpretation. All varsity-level Speech tournaments are eligible to receive bids in events offered by the Tournament of Champions, so long as they meet the following criteria:

  • Champion (1 Bid) - Minimum 8 Entries / 3 Schools / 3 Prelims* AND Finals
  • Top 3 (Up to 3 Bids) - Minimum 16 Entries / 4 Schools / 3 Prelims* AND Finals
  • Finals (Up to 6 Bids) - Minimum 30 Entries / 5 Schools / 3 Prelims AND Semifinals + Finals
  • Semifinals (Up to 12 Bids) - Minimum 60 Entries / 10 Schools / 4 Prelims AND Quarterfinals Onward
  • Quarterfinals (Up to 24 Bids) - Minimum of 120 Entries / 10 Schools / 4 Prelims AND Octofinals Onward
  • *If one or more qualifying tournaments has only 2 preliminary rounds, then to be fully qualified, the entry must have 3 bids.