Memorial Mustang Spring Woods Tiger Swing

2024 — Houston, TX/US

Debate Stuff


LD –

Resolved: The United States ought to require that workers receive a living wage.

PF –

Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially expand its surveillance infrastructure along its southern border.

CX (Policy) –

Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.

Congress Docket –

Prelims (Mustang): 28, 30, 27, 29, 26
Finals (Mustang): 3, 1, 2, 5, 4

Prelims (Tiger): 4, 2, 5, 1, 3
Semis (Tiger): 7,9, 6, 10, 8
Finals (Tiger): 26, 29, 30, 27, 28

Worlds School Motions –

Round 1: This House regrets the dominance of the two-party system in American politics.


Round 3: This House prefers conditional foreign aid to unconditional aid.



Elim 2: This House believes that the acquisition of startups by large corporations does more harm than good.

Elim 3 (If necessary): This House believes that the environmental rights of future generations supersede the economic interests of current generations.

Tentative Breaks: (my math could be wrong here)

LD/PF – We anticipate that we will break to Octofinals, even if we are below 51 entries. At least all 3-1 will break. (Brackets will NOT be broken)

CX/WSD – We anticipate that we will break to Quarters, but will break to semis if we are below 16 entries.

Congress –
For the Memorial (Mustang – Friday) side:
12-36 entries – Prelims will be 2 chambers, top 6 break to finals.
37-50 entries – Prelims will be 3 chambers, top 5 break to finals.
51-75 entries – Prelims will be 4 chambers, top 4 break to finals.

For the Spring Woods (Tiger – Saturday) side:
12-36 entries – Prelims will be 2 chambers, top 6 breaks to finals.
37-50 entries – Prelims will be 3 chambers, top 8 breaks to 2 semis chambers, then top 6 to finals.
51-64 entries – Prelims will be 4 chambers, top 6 breaks to 2 semis chambers, then top 6 to finals.
65-80 entries – Prelims will be 5 chambers, top 6 breaks to 2 semis chambers, then top 6 to finals.

Speech –
10-20 entries – Two prelim rounds than finals
21-28 entries – Top 3 advance to Semis, Top 3 advance to finals
29-35 entries – Top 2 advance to semis, Top 3 advance to finals
36-42 entries – Top 3 advances to semis, top 2 advance to finals
43-51 entries – Top 2 advance to semis, top 3 advance to finals.