Franklin R Shirley at Wake Forest

2024 — Winston Salem, NC/US

The 2024 Franklin R. Shirley at Wake Forest University

Full invite to follow...some spotlights:
- Gary Larson tabbed tournament
- 7 prelims, clear to doubles
- Snack Tent + Slow Pour Coffee
- ADA Fall Champs w/JV Novice Division

For Planning Purposes:
- Judging: 1 team=4 rounds, 2 teams=7 rounds needed. Please have in-person teams covered by in-person judging.
- We are strongly pushing for teams to attend in person, we will have some online option available. Exact details TBD.
- Hotel: We do not have a "tournament hotel". Elims will happen at the Convention Center Downtown. There is not a Wake Forest Football Game that weekend.