Grey Matter Invitational at Cary Academy

2024 — Cary, NC/US

General Guidelines


All teams must be competing on behalf of a degree-issuing high school or middle school. All teams must also designate a responsible adult chaperone who will be supervise students on campus and be available for any part of the tournament which is taking place virtually. At a minimum this chaperone must be twenty-one years of age, and must be a permanent employee of the school or a parent.


Payment is due prior to the beginning of round one unless alternative arrangements have been made with the tournament director. Schools with unpaid fees are subject to being kept from competing in the tournament, from advancing to elimination rounds, or from receiving awards if arrangements to cover any outstanding fees have not been made.

Hybird Tournament Format

Students competing in Novice or Varsity Lincoln Douglas Debate, Varsity and Novice Public Forum Debate, and Varsity Congressional Debate may compete virtually if they wish. It will be the responsibility of the teams entering to ensure that all participants, competitors and judges, are capable of accessing this platform and correctly utilizing it. It will also be the responsibility of the teams competing to ensure that all participants are registered users of and capable of logging into tabroom to gain access to competition rooms.

Cross Entry

Students entered in Lincoln Douglas, Public Forum, and Congressional Debate may only enter one event. Students entered in the speech events may enter up to three events.