China Spring HS UIL Set B Invitational

2025 — Waco, TX/US


The China Spring Cougar UIL Academic Team would like to take a moment to formally invite you and your squad to its UIL Set B Invitational Tournament! We are excited to offer this competition opportunity IN PERSON on February 8, 2025! Every student competing in Individual Speaking Events will be guaranteed 3 rounds of competition, and students competing in LD and CX debate will be guaranteed 4 rounds of competition!We will be utilizing UIL Set B Materials for our testing competitions and will offer every UIL event except for the hands-on portion of Computer Science! We will utilize ASW for Spelling.


As we get our tournament up and running, we intend to run competitions with a single division for all schools. Should our meet have a large number of entries, we will immediately explore splitting schools into a Small School (1A - 3A) and Large School (4A - 6A) divisions. If such a decision ends up being made, we will communicate it in advance.

Students competing in Calculator Applications, Mathematics, Number Sense, and Science will be split into 9th/10th grade and 11th/12th grade divisions.


Each school will be offered unlimited entries in Calculator, Mathematics, Number Sense, and Science.

Each school is afforded a limit of 6 entries in Copy Editing, Editorial, Feature, Headline, News, and Ready Writing. We have a cap of 40 entries total.

Each school is afforded a limit of 6 entries in all remaining academic contests. We have a cap of 60 entries total.


The following events have CRUCIAL needs for graders/judges: Ready Writing and Journalism. Schools that enter these competitions are expected to provide a trained adult to help in the adjudication of these events. Schools that cannot provide judges for these contests may opt to pay a $75.00 judge fee.*

We ask that each school provide a judge to help grade in every event that they enter students. We have A LOT of faculty members on staff ready to help out, but the more people we have, the faster the grading goes.


Schools are obligated to provide judges for each of the speech/debate events that they enter students in. Judge obligations are generated with the following formulas:

CX Debate* - One judge required for every 2 teams (or portion thereof).

LD Debate* - One judge required for every 2 entries (or portion thereof).

Informative/Persuasive** - One judge required for every 8 entries (or portion thereof).

Prose/Poetry** - One judge required for every 8 entries (or portion thereof).

*Debate judges may only enter one pool. They may not fulfill any other obligations.Schools will be charged a fee of $100.00 for each missing debate judge.

**Individual Event judges MAY cover both Extemp and Interp obligations, but they MUST be available for all rounds of both contests. IE judges may not cover any Debate judging obligations. Schools will be charged a fee of $75.00 for each missing IE judge.


Please make all checks payable to:

China Spring HS

ATTN: Suzanne Risinger, UIL Coordinator

1701 North River Crossing

China Spring, TX 76633

Fees are generated with the following formulas:

School Custodial Fee - $20.00 per school

Academic Events - $15.00 per entry

Individual Speech Events - $20.00 per entry

LD Debate - $30.00 per entry

CX Debate - $50.00 per entry

Missing HIGH NEEDS Academic Event Grader - $75.00 per event

Missing Individual Speech Event Judge - $75.00 per judge

Missing Debate Event Judge - $100.00 per judge

**Please do not let the cost of entry/judge fees prohibit your students from attending our tournament. This is a fundraiser for our program, but we will do our absolute best to accommodate schools financial constraints as best as we can. Reach out to Suzanne Risinger if you have any questions.**


If you are an individual that wishes to pursue a judging contract (for speech/debate/or writing) at this tournament, please contact Michael Donaldson at Please include a brief summary of your qualifications along with what events you are comfortable with judging.


Any questions should be addressed to Suzanne Risinger a