Gate City Debate 2024

2024 — Pocatello, ID/US

Welcome to the 2024 Gate City Invitational Tournament!

We look forward to seeing you at Pocatello High School November 1st and 2nd. Our tournament seeks to provide a low-cost ($5 per person in an entry), high quality experience for coaches, competitors, and judges.

Speech On Friday November 1st

This year, all IHSAA speech events will be offered except Panel Discussion. This includes HI, DI, POI, DUO, Sales, ADS, Extemp, Impromptu, OO, Info, CA, Retold, Radio. All offered speech events will be an open division, with three rounds and finals. Double entry is allowed, but no competitor may enter two draw events. As per tradition and as a way to encourage novice to compete in open speech, the top novice competitor in every speech event will be recognized as the "Top Novice." Students can also choose to enter in Friday World Schools Debate (open division) instead of Speech.

Speech Friday Schedule

Check in: 2:30pm-3:00pm

Opening Assembly (Cafeteria)-3:10pm

Judges Meeting (Library)-3:20pm

Speech Round 1: 3:45pm-5:15pm (Draw at 3:30pm)

Speech Round 2: 5:15-6:45 (Draw at 5:00pm)

Speech Round 3: 6:45-8:15 (Draw at 6:30pm)

Finals: 8:30pm-9:45pm (Draw at 8:15pm)

World Schools Friday Schedule

WSD Round 1: 3:45pm-5:00pm (Prepared Topic #1)

WSD Round 2: 5:00-6:15pm (Prepared Topic #1)

WSD Round 3 Prep/Debate: 6:15pm-8:30pm (Impromptu Topic)

WSD Round 4: 8:30pm-9:45pm (Prepared Topic #2)

Debate On Saturday November 2nd

This year, we will be offering Novice, Junior Varsity, and Varsity divisions in LD and PF. Policy Debate will have Novice and Open divisions IF there are at least 6 teams in each division. World Schools Debate will be offered in an Open Division on Saturday as well. The Debate portion of the tournament is a round robin competition--there will be five prelims, with awards going to the top 8 seeds in all divisions. We will be offering an open division in Congressional Debate. Congress will have three general sessions. The top 8 in each chamber will receive awards, as will the top novice in each chamber. JV is defined as a student in their second year of competition. Novice is anybody that is in their first year of competition OR is in their second year of competition but has only ever attended one tournament. (email for further inquiries regarding JV / novice competitor eligibility).

Saturday Schedule

Debate Schedule (Saturday)

Check in: 8:15-8:30am

Debate Round 1: 8:45am-10:45am (Prepared Worlds Topic #1)

Debate Round 2: 10:45am-12:45pm (Prepared Worlds Topic #1)

Lunch: 12:45pm-1:15pm

Debate Round 3: 1:15pm-3:15pm (Impromptu Worlds)

Debate Round 4: 3:15pm-5:15pm (Impromptu Worlds)

Debate Round 5: 5:15pm-7:15pm (Prepared Worlds Topic #2)

Awards: 7:45pm

Congress Schedule (Saturday)

Check in: 8:15-8:30am

Congress Session 1: 8:45am-12:15pm (Includes P.O. elections + Setting Docket)

Lunch (Congress): 12:15pm-12:45pm

Congress Session 2: 12:45pm-3:45pm

Congress Session 3: 4:15pm-7:15pm

Awards: 7:45pm

Sign up soon please as events may be dropped/combined if they don't get enough entries!


Debate Topics

Congress Docket:

Open/Novice LD will use the Sept/Oct 2024 NSDA Topic: The United States ought to require that workers receive a living wage.

Open/Novice PF will use the Sept/Oct 2024 NSDA Topic: The United States Federal Government should substantially expand its surveillance infrastructure along its southern border.

Novice*/Open Policy will use the 2024-2025 NSDA Topic: Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.

World Schools Debate Prepared Topic #1: This House supports the use of patents for medical drugs and devices.

World Schools Debate Prepared Topic #2: This House prefers agricultural companies to farmers cooperatives.

*Novice Policy Debate Rules

If there are fewer than 6 novice policy entries, the divisions will be combined. However, JV/Varsity students debating novice partnerships will be required to follow the novice policy debate rules to ensure accessibility to the activity.

Novice Policy Debaters must exclusively use evidence from the 2024-2025 NDCA Novice Packet.

Teams on the Affirmative may choose from one of the NSDA's plan areas.

Teams on the Negative must disprove the Affirmative's argument that their plan should be adopted. Negative teams may read any of the off case arguments in the packet.

Counterplans and Kritiks are not allowed in the novice policy division at the Gate City Invitational.

Extemp Topic Areas

Round 1

United States-2024 Election

International-South & Southeast Asia

Round 2

United States-Education

International-North America & The Caribbean

Round 3

United States-Economics

International-West Asia/The Middle East


United States-Healthcare

International-South America

Impromptu Topic Categories

Round 1-Abstract Words

Round 2-Quotes

Round 3-Current Events

Round 4-One Word, One Quote, One Current Event



Judges are essential for running our tournament. Schools MUST bring the required number of judges to this tournament, paying judge fines is not a replacement for fulfilling your judge obligations. Schools need to bring 1 judge for every 5 speech entries, 5 congress entries, 4 LD entries, 4 PF entries, 2 WSD entries, and 2 CX entries, or portion thereof.

Schools that show up without enough judges to meet their obligations will be required to drop entries until they are covered. No Exceptions.

Online Ballots

All judging/ballots will be done online at this tournament. That means all judges that are entered by a school must 1) have access to an electronic device that can connect to the internet and use the tabroom website 2) have a tabroom account that is linked to their judge profile and 3) be approved for online judging by the coach that is bringing them to the tournament.

Judges Lounge/Tabroom Food

The Judges Lounge and Tabroom will be provided with 3 meals, Dinner on Friday, and then Breakfast & Lunch on Saturday. Due to Saturdays early finish time for judges (7:15pm) we will not be providing dinner.

Host Notes


325 N Arthur Ave, Pocatello, ID 83201


We will provide physical maps with team folders at the check-in table. Here is a Digital Copy

COVID Safety

Students, Coaches, Judges, etc. are encouraged but not be required to wear a mask if they are experiencing symptoms of and/or have been exposed to COVID-19 within two weeks of attending the tournament. Individuals that test positive within two weeks of the tournament SHOULD NOT attend and will have their fees waived if they are dropped after deadlines upon informing the tournament staff.


Concessions will be offered, students and teams are encouraged to bring cash for various food, beverages, and snacks.


We'd like to give a HUGE thank you to the sponsors of our tournament this year for their generous contributions that make the competition possible.

Speech Events:

After Dinner Speaking-

Communication Analysis-

Dramatic Interpretation-

Duo Interpretation-

Extemporaneous Speaking-

Humorous Interpretation-

Impromptu Speaking-

Informative Speaking-

Original Oratory-

Program of Oral Interpretation-

Radio Broadcast Journalism-

Retold Story-

Sales Speaking-

Novice Lincoln Douglas-

JV Lincoln Douglas-Luke Smith

Varsity Lincoln Douglas-

Novice Public Forum-

JV Public Forum-

Varsity Public Forum-

Novice Policy Debate-

Varsity Policy Debate-

Open Congressional Debate-

World Schools Debate (2):