UNT John S Gossett Memorial

2024 — Denton, TX/US

Debate Topics

Debate Topics

* The LD topic will be the 2024 September/October Topic, "Resolved: The United States ought to require that workers receive a living wage."

* The NLD topic will be the 2024 NSDA September/October Topic, "Resolved: The United States ought to require that workers receive a living wage."

* The CX topic will be the Policy Debate – 2024-2025 Topic, "Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks."

* The PFD and NPF topic will be the 2024 September/October Topic, "Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially expand its surveillance infrastructure along its southern border."

* The World School Debate Topics -

Round 1-Impromptu

Prepared Round 2 -This House would implement a living wage.

Round 3- Impromptu

Prepared Round 4- This House regrets the narrative that democracy is the best form of governance.

Elim 1- Impromptu

Prepared Elim 2- This House would nationalize energy companies.

Prepared Elim 3- This House, as a state with an aging population, would prefer policies that increase immigration (e.g. more visas) over ones that encourage citizens to have more children (e.g. tax benefits).

* Congress Legislation - TFA Fall 2024 Docket -

Prelims- Debating Equity

5, 16, 18, 23, 26, 30,

Semis- Domestic Issues

17, 8, 11, 14, 21

Finals- Foreign Policy

1, 7, 13, 19, 20