Austin McCallum Inaugural Invitational
2025 — Austin, TX/US
AS OF 11/11/2024: On December 1st, I will update the topics for each debate (NSDA Jan/Feb topic for LD, Feb topic for PF, and TFA Spring Docket for Congress).
-Rounds 1 & 3 - This House would implement a compulsory national service system.
-Round 2 - Impromptu
-Round 4 (Semis) - This House supports a salary cap for professional sports teams.
-Round 5 (Finals) - This House believes that NATO has done more harm than good.
Varsity CX -Resolved: The United States federal government should significantly strengthen its protection of domestic intellectual property rights in copyrights, patents, and/or trademarks.
Novice CX -We WILL require novice teams to stick to the novice packet.