Madison Invitational

2024 — Rexburg, ID/US

Welcome to the Madison Invitational 2024!

Please check the side panel for this year's schedule.

Debate Events: Congress and Novice/Varsity divisions of PF and LD

Speech Events: All 14 IHSAA speech events (some will be merged as described below)

This year, we will also host "SPARtner Debate" on Friday (individual competitors will be paired in round--just one more amusing way to promote interaction between schools)

Speech and Debate Olympics: We will, once again, have brackets in the cafeteria for ping pong, spike ball, and cornhole with an epic mystery competition prior to awards...and the much-coveted monster trophy.

Congress Legislation

You will find the congress legislation to the right.


Please note: We will be trying out the new Panel rules that were presented recently at ISATA. If they pass in December they will be in place for State, so it will be good to be familiarized with the new changes. They are as follows:

Intros and conclusions are not required, though seem to be the tradition.
*If an introduction is given, it should last less than 1 minute per competitor and be limited to Name, entry code, and a thesis statement about the topic.
*If a conclusion is given, it should be less than 1 minute per competitor and be limited to Name, entry code, and a final thought on the topic.

*Emphasis should be on problem solving through unique perspectives, civil discourse, and engaging presentation. NOT group consensus.


Round 1: What can stake holders in schools do to overcome the COVID slump?

Round 2: In the event that Hamas is removed from the Gaza Strip, what could be done to promote peace between the Israelis and Palestinians?

Round 3: Harms of energy drinks on adolescents have been well documented. What can be done to curb the trend of energy drink usage among teenagers?

Finals: Ispanel discussion an event that should be continued? If so, what are the objectives, and how can we help judges make more objective, consistent decisions. If not, are there alternatives that would better show achievement of these objectives?

Schedule Subject to Change...but we're optimistic!

Friday (Speech Events)

1:15-2:15 Registration

2:15-2:45 Judge/Competitor Meetings

2:45-4:15 Speech Round 1

4:15-5:45 Speech Round 2

5:45-7:15 Speech Round 3

7:30-9:00 Speech Finals

Saturday (Debate Events)

LD/PF Schedule

9:00-11:00 Debate Round 1

11:00-1:00 Debate Round 2

1:00-3:00 Debate Round 3

3:30-5:30 Hidden Quarters

5:30-6:30 Semi-Finals

6:45-7:45 Finals

Congress Schedule

9:00-Noon Session 1

12:30-3:30 Session 2

4:00-7:00 Super Congress

8:00 Awards