Texas Open

2025 — Austin, TX/US

8 Open prelims Sat/Sun on campus

6 JV/Novice prelims Sat/Sun on campus, first two elims during R7+8

Doubles-Finals Mon in Tournament Hotel

JV/Novice elims Mon resume during Octos

Every person (in-person or online) costs $110. Tournaments of similar size have begun charging more per online entry/judge this season. We will not do that. However, we are comfortable charging everyone the same amount to reduce our administrative burden.

Hotel block - https://www.hilton.com/en/book/reservation/deeplink/?ctyhocn=AUSLNDT&groupCode=CDTTOD&arrivaldate=2025-01-31&departuredate=2025-02-04&cid=OM,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT