Ida B Wells Guardian Invitational
2024 — Portland, OR/US
The Ida B Wells Guardian Invitational is hosted on, an online registration and tabulation website provided to the speech & debate community by the National Speech & Debate Association.
The tournament officials have not yet posted information in this space; but click the tabs above, and see the details & contact information at right, to see more information about the tournament as it comes available.
If registration is open, you can register by clicking the Register tab at top. You must create a account before you can register for this tournament.
Ida B Wells High SchoolContacts
Terese BushnellGeneral Info
Invitation Homepage Email Archive Events & Divisions Institutions In AttendancePages & Uploads
Updated Tournament Invite Legislation PacketCircuits
OR – Oregon Past Years' EditionsDates & Deadlines
PSTThese deadlines are set in Tabroom for technical purposes. Always consult the invitation or tournament notices for official policies about deadlines and procedures.