The Milo Cup at Millard North

2025 — NSDA Campus, NE/US

Payment information

online payment

The Milo Cup has added a digital payment option for this year's tournament. As such, payment will be required before teams are admitted from the waitlist.

Payment can be made online at this website. <>

Instructions for online payment:

1. When using the online portal, each entry is a "ticket". Add one ticket for each entry (make sure you're getting the correct event).

1a. Please note that the "tickets" labeled with the prefix "NE" are for Nebraska teams only.

2. The prices per ticket are going to look weird on the front page, but the total at the end should be correct. For instance, the ticketing portal will tell you initially the price for a PF entry is $75.24. This is because when you go to check out, the website adds a $4.76 processing fee. So in the end your total ends up at $80, which is the price listed on Tabroom.

3. Once each of your entries has a ticket, the system will require an email address in order for you to proceed to payment. Any email address is fine, they're just trying to email you confirmation.

4. After entering your email address, you should be able to enter a credit card and process the payment.

Please note that payment of entry fees is required prior to participation in the Milo Cup.

check payment

For schools planning to pay by check, checks for entries/fees can be made out to:

Millard North Debate

c/o Dylan Sutton

1010 S. 144th St. Omaha, NE 68154.

A district W9 is available on the tournament Tabroom page.