CBSR IE and LD 3

2025 — Redlands, CA/US


The second CBSR Individual Events/Lincoln Douglas tournament of the 2024-2025 competition year will be heldSaturday, January 25 at Redlands High School.

THIS TOURNAMENT DOES NOT HAVE WIFI. Please prepare accordingly.

840 E Citrus Ave, Redlands, CA 92374

Lunch: Los Takos, $11 each.

Snacks: water bottles, sodas, candy bars, chips, popcorn, pretzels, ramen noodles. Prices range from $1 to $2. For payment, Square, a cash box, and a QR code for Paypal will be available. 3 kettles will be available for students to heat up water for the ramen.

Parking: Enter from Church Street off of Redlands Blvd. Park in Faculty Lot by Clock Auditorium; overflow would be in the Student Lot by Gym.

Important Tournament Information:

• Students and judges must have accounts linked to your school in order to register.

• Double entry is allowed, but not in the same pattern. There is a list of "Event Patterns/Descriptions" on the right side of this page.

• Judge requirements are 1 judge for every 6 IE entries (or portion thereof) and 1 judge for every 2 LD entries (or portion thereof). A double-entered student counts as 2 entries! At the tournament, judges will be assigned to separate IE and LD pools. If there are insufficient judges in one pool, we will pull from the other at that time.

• Training on the day of the tournament is limited. There is a list of "Judging Resources" on the right side of this page. (soon) Please share a link to that page with your judges and encourage them to use it. We expect coaches to take responsibility for training their judges.

• Please have your judges enter standing conflicts for their students. Instructions on how to do this are on the "Judging Resources" tab, as are instructions for creating an account. This will save time on the day of the tournament.

• Please note that CBSR follows CHSSA rules, which supersede any instructions given verbally or on the ballots.

• This tournament DOES NOT OFFER a novice division in all events, if the number of entries warrants. From the CBSR By-Laws:


Section 1. CBSR tournaments held prior to January shall have two competitive divisions; Novice and Open. The executive board may, at its discretion, eliminate the novice division at a tournament if there is a compelling reason to do so.

Section 2. In speech events, interpretation events, and congress, students may compete in the novice division in their first school year of competition only.

Section 3. In debate events students may compete in the novice division if they are first-year competitors; second year competitors who have never competed in any debate event; or are second- year competitors with very limited experience, fewer than three total wins in debate, and are considered by their coach to be on-par with the average first-year competitor.

Section 4. In all partner events both competitors must qualify as “Novice” in order to compete in the novice division.

Section 5. A first-year competitor may choose to compete in the Open Division of an event without losing their eligibility to compete in the Novice Division of another event at that or any later tournament.