Free Winter Break Practice Debate

2024 — Online, CA/US

Welcome to the Winter Break Practice Tournament!

This is a free Congress tournament run by high school students on Winter Break who have nothing to do. This is a friendly-competitive environment and will be held on Zoom/Google Meets!

This tournament will be held on December 19th from 4:30pm-8:00pm PST.

Congress: We will be offering only one preliminary round that will begin at 4:30pm PST. We will be debating A Resolution to Reduce Military Aid from Syria.

Public Forum: We will allow maverick entries and debate the No/cember topic. Speech times are standard and will abide with CHSSA rules.

The first six institutions/schools that register before December 17th will have guaranteed five (5) entries immediately off the waitlist. Schools/institutions may submit more entries, but they will be waitlisted. After December 17th or when this threshold is reached, entries waitlisted will be approved. Entries thereafter will be first come first serve until we reach a tournament cap of 50 entries (to keep things free). Judges will be provided, but institutions may also provide a judge too! They must be at least in high school.

P.Os: Chambers will have to figure out their POs.

Public Forum:

Round 1 - 4:30pm PST

Round 2 - 5:35pm PST

Outrounds - 6:40pm PST

Public Forum Resolution: The United States should substantially reduce its military support of Taiwan.