MCFL Congress and Speech Qualifier
2025 — West Bend, WI/US
2025 MCFL Congress and Speech Qualifier
March 7, 2025 -Congress, Online
March 8, 2025 -Individual Speech Events -West Bend East/West High School
1305 E. Decorah Rd. West Bend, WI
Schools are limited to 5 entities in each category. Congress entries and legislation are due on Monday, March 3rd at 6 PM. Individual entries are due by Wednesday March 5th, at 6 PM. After those deadlines, changes to entries will be permitted wherever possible. The top 6 entries in each category will qualify for the NCFL Grand National Tournament.
Only NCFL categories will be offered. There is no other tournament being hosted in West Bend. All events will use NCFL rules.
Congress judges are provided by the tournament. Suggestions for neutral judges are appreciated.
For Individual Events, one judge is required for every 2 entries, or fraction thereof. A judge who is unaffiliated with all participating schools covers 4 entries. All judges are obligated for the entire day.
Head coaches should plan on not judging as there will be a meeting during the tournament, tentatively during round 2. All ballots will be completed electronically. Judges must have linked tabroom accounts and bring their own device.
Fees are $15 per individual event, $30 for duo, $15 for congress. Payment for this tournament must be received by tournament by April 12. Schools who have not paid by this deadline may have their qualifying spots withdrawn.
Congress Specific Information
Congress will be held online using NSDA Campus.
Legislation must be uploaded in PDF Format using the appropriate template. Legislation formatted incorrectly, longer than 1 page, or not of a serious nature may be left off the packet. Legislation submitted by schools will be used during the preliminary session. Legislation for the final session (if needed) will come from the League.
Check in via text to John by 3:30 PM. A single prelim session will run from 4-5:45 PM. The top 8-10 students will advance to the super session from 6:30-8. These times are subject to change based on registration numbers. If there aren’t sufficient entries for a multiple prelim chambers, we will hold a single session to determine our qualifiers.
Please visit for full congress procedures
Individual Events Specific Information:Schools must check in online by 7:30 AM. Extemp draw will begin at 8:00 AM.
8:00- Meeting for students, judges, and coaches
8:30- Round 1
9:45-Round 2
11:00-Round 3
12:30 PM-Runoff is needed, if not finals
1:30 PM -Finals if a runoff is needed
Awards will follow the final rounds
The top 8 entries will advance to the final round with the top 6 entries qualifying for the NCFL Grand National Tournament. Please visit for full speech procedures, including runoff rounds.
Returning from 2024!
All entries in speech may upload a video of their performance. Should there be a cancellation due to weather, judges will utilize the videos to judge. OIL entries should share a google doc with video links.
A list of extemp questions will be posted on the tabroom site 1 week before the tournament and will not utilize questions from the live tournament. If the tournament is moved to be asynchronous, entries without a video will be dropped.
Single entry letter of intent.
A student may enter congress and up to 2 speech events in addition to any debate event they entered. However, before entering a second event, a coach must indicate the order the student prefers to compete in. Once a student has qualified in their first choice, they will be removed from other events. A student may not enter a team event (Policy, PF, Duo) with 2 different partners. The coach must complete this form before the student may compete in the 2nd event.
Saturday -concessions will be sold by the West Bend Forensics team. Hospitality will be provided for judges and coaches. Lunch will be provided by the MCFL.
John Knetzger
MCFL Moderator or 414.378.2839