Redmond Mustang Classic

2020 — Redmond, WA/US
Individual Events: 30 Judges
Paradigm First Middle Last Institution Location
Hafsa Azaz The Overlake School WA
Zoya Bashirova Bear Creek WA
Anil Bhagwat Redmond HS WA
Stephen Bullock King's Schools WA
Rhonda Ender Eastside Catholic High School WA
Glen Garnand Rainier Christian WA
Kate Gomulkiewicz Bear Creek WA
Luke Greenway Seattle Academy WA
Derek Hanson Glacier Peak HS WA
Julie Herrbach Eastlake High School WA
Seth Hillsberry Interlake HS WA
Wen Yu Ho Eastside Preparatory School WA
Abigail Ireland Interlake HS WA
Nick Julian Newport HS WA
Meera Krishna Interlake HS WA
Bert Loosmore Eastside Preparatory School WA
Claire McGee Newport HS WA
Scott Mercer Bellevue HS WA
Robin Monteith The Overlake School WA
Decker O'Donell Bear Creek WA
Ashwini Rajpakhak The Overlake School WA
Nagarajan Raju Interlake HS WA
Sapna Sharma The Overlake School WA
Thadeus Hagan Smith Samammish HS WA
Glynis Thakur Eastside Preparatory School WA
Megan Troutman Newport HS WA
Alex Vank The Overlake School WA
Jun Wu Interlake HS WA
xuping mao Bear Creek WA