East Texas District Tournament

2024 — TX/US
Speech (IE, Debate): 74 Judges
Paradigm First Middle Last Institution Location
Jose Acuna Cruz Houston MacArthur Sr High School TX
Clement Agho-Otoghile Hire TX
Jazmine Alejos Hire TX
Lauren Aungier Hire
Zachary Baker Hire TX
Andrew Barrett Cypress Creek HS TX
Angela H. Beane Hire TX
Perry Beard Hire TX
Mark Anthony Bishop Hire TX
Robert Blain Hire TX
Sherrice Brady Jersey Village High School TX
Tamia Brice Cypress Park High School TX
Robert Bunn Spring High School TX
Siobhan Burns The Woodlands College Park TX
Calen Cabler Hire TX
Serena Cheng Hire
Jonathan Christensen The Woodlands High School TX
E. Cook Jordan High School TX
Brian Daniel Grand Oaks High School TX
Stephanie DeBettignies Houston MacArthur Sr High School TX
Adoriam Dewalt Cypress Creek HS TX
Carlos Dueno Borunda Cypress Park High School TX
Randy Ellis Hire TX
Jeffery Flores J. Frank Dobie High School TX
Patrick Fox Jordan High School TX
Karah Garcia Kingwood High School TX
Andrew Gibson The Woodlands College Park TX
Reece Grochett Montgomery TX
Debby Haren Hire TX
Mitchell Heartfield The Woodlands High School TX
Melissa Hernandez Hire TX
Liana Hinojosa Hire TX
Judy Hooper Concordia Lutheran High School TX
Preston Hutson Hire TX
Renita Johnson William P. Clements High School TX
Carolyn Jurick Northland Christian School TX
Dustin Kay Tomball Memorial High School TX
Christian Kimbell Hire TX
Will Lange Kingwood High School TX
Hadley Luther Cypress Creek HS TX
Cheryl Kaye Magill Hire TX
Heath Martin Hire TX
Xochilt Martinez J. Frank Dobie High School TX
Greg Mayo Hire TX
Hannah McCord Cypress Springs High School TX
Gregory McGee James E Taylor High School TX
Lindsay McGill Channelview High School TX
Jenn Melin Hire TX
Armida Montemayor Hire TX
Nicole Morgan Montgomery TX
Kelly Nguyen Northland Christian School TX
Thuan Nguyen Hire
Marilyn Ocker Spring High School TX
Nabil Panjwani Hire TX
Bryce Piotrowski Hire TX
Nicole Powers Bridgeland High School TX
Ryan Powers Bridgeland High School TX
Shauna Punch The Woodlands High School TX
Ryed Qamar Tomball Memorial High School TX
Cesar Quintanilla Cypress Park High School TX
Dustin Rensink Hire
Eduardo Reyes Hire TX
DeAndra Robinson Hire
Dillon Rogers Atascocita High School TX
Ashley Salguero Chamorro Jersey Village High School TX
Edison Sanon Hire TX
Eric Schwerdtfeger Dulles High School TX
Bryce Sheffield Dulles High School TX
Sonya Smith Hire TX
Jeffrey Stirl William P. Clements High School TX
Andy Stubbs The Kinkaid School TX
Debbie Waddell Concordia Lutheran High School TX
Janelle Williams Jordan High School TX
Rebekah Wyche Cypress Springs High School TX