Heart of The Rockies Legacy Bowl NIETOC QUALIFIER

2023 — Cheyenne, WY/US
Judges (Debates & IES): 133 Judges
Paradigm First Middle Last Institution Location Rounds
Eva Allred Hire WY 8
Joey Barlow Hire 8
Clayton Barnett Hire WY 8
Jacob Barnett Hire WY 8
Roy Basinger Hire CO 8
Jennifer Beagles Natrona County High School WY 8
Desiree Bishop Hire 8
Benjamin Brandes Hire WY 8
Laura Breedlove Hire WY 8
Zamboni Brown Hire WY 8
Keeana Bussell Hire 8
Doug Calhoun Hire WY 8
Kaitlyn Campbell Hire WY 8
John Camponeschi Hire CO 8
Matt Cannon Hire 8
Carmelle Case Hire WY 8
Marcia Case Hire 8
Chevy Robert-McKinney Chiovaro Hire WY 8
Jonathan Joseph Christensen Hire WY 8
Patrick Coggin Hire WY 8
Meghann Conwell Hire WY 8
Melanie Conwell Hire WY 8
Yvette Crile Hire 8
Kinsale Day Hire WY 8
Anna DeMers Hire 8
Stephie Denning Hire WY 8
Liz Edington Hire 8
Max Ensor Spearfish High School SD 8
Dawn Evert Hire WY 8
McKenzie Feldmann Hire WY 8
Trysa Flood Rock Springs WY 8
Ian Fromme Hire WY 8
Kelly Gaskins Hire WY 8
Robert Gaskins Hire 8
Lee Goepfert Hire WY 8
Paige Harding Hire WY 8
Gweneth Hargett Hire WY 8
Darci Hendon Hire WY 8
Keenan Hendon Hire WY 8
James Hill Hire WY 8
Pennie Hunt Hire 8
David Hurst Hire 8
Eddie Iceneder Hire 8
Sarah Iceneder Hire WY 8
Danielle Ingleby Hire WY 8
Sheena Joelson Hire WY 8
Anub John Hire WY 8
Alan Johnson Hire 8
Joseph Johnson Hire WY 8
Catherine Kellick Natrona County High School WY 8
Valerie Kerschner Hire WY 8
Abdur Rahman Khan Hire 8
Sobia Khan Hire 8
Glen Kirkbride Hire WY 8
Rochel Kirkbride Hire WY 8
Cassidy Klahn Hire WY 8
Sarah Kling Hire WY 8
Sarah Kling Hire WY 8
Caius A. Krupp Hire WY 8
Craig Laird Hire WY 8
Jenna Laird Hire WY 8
Devin Lamb Hire WY 8
Matt Liu Hire WY 8
Heather Luzmoor Rock Springs WY 8
Vipul Madhwani Hire WY 8
Rebecca Marcy Hire WY 8
Beth Martin Hire WY 8
Jo McGuire Hire WY 8
Mark McGuire Hire WY 8
Johnny Mercer Hire WY 8
Kristin Meunier Spearfish High School SD 8
Cameron Miller Spearfish High School SD 8
Suzanne Mitchell-Elsasser Hire WY 8
Linda C Norby Hire WY 8
Andrea Odell Hire WY 8
Jen Parrish Hire WY 8
Birgitt Paul Hire WY 8
Courtney Paul Cheyenne Central High School WY 8
Travis Pearson Hire WY 8
Suzette Perriton Hire WY 8
Devon Petersen Hire WY 8
John Pettit Hire CO 8
April Petty Hire WY 8
Holly Polton Hire 8
Autumn Judith Prindle Hire WY 8
Jennifer Prindle Hire WY 8
Torey Racines Hire WY 8
Cyrus Raine Hire WY 8
Heywood Robinson Stevens High School SD 8
Avery Schantz Hire WY 8
Melissa Schantz Hire VA 8
Ashley Schulz Cheyenne East High School WY 8
Sara Serelson Hire WY 8
Baily Shaffer Hire WY 8
Joshua Sheetz Hire WY 8
Kalib Simpson Hire WY 8
Mikayle Sink Hire WY 8
Kendra Slack Hire WY 8
Jerrad Smedley Hire WY 8
Heather-Beth Smith Hire WY 8
Robert Speirs Spearfish High School SD 8
Vida Stallter Hire WY 8
Julia Steele Hire 8
Mark Stewart Hire 8
Chris Stout Hire WY 8
Tamara Thornell Hire 8
Tim Thornell Hire WY 8
Delia Trimble Hire 8
Kathryn Urbanek Hire 8
Kris Urbanek Hire WY 8
Clay Van Houten Hire WY 8
Angie Vanhouten Hire 8
Joanna Vilos Hire WY 8
Marcus Viney Cheyenne East High School WY 8
William Ward Hire WY 8
Casey Whitman Hire 8
Whitney Whitworth Hire WY 8
Jennifer Wilch Hire WY 8
Jeremy Wilch Hire WY 8
Tyler Will Cheyenne South High School WY 8
Jennifer Winstead Hire WY 8
Patrick Winstead Hire WY 8
Maya Anabella Worcester Hire WY 8
YuYu Yuan Hire 8
Katrina Zaharas Hire WY 8
Kevin Zeeck Hire CO 8
Dan Zwonitzer Hire WY 8
Shaina case Hire 8
joel kirkbride Hire WY 8
Joshua Dale mitchell Hire WY 8
matt prevedel Hire WY 8
carol smedley Hire WY 8