2020 — Online, NY/US
PF HS NFU Paradigm List
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Davis Abrams Hire 8 rounds
Tyra Alam BSGE Debate Team None
Kekeli Amekudzi Brooklyn Technical High School
Erik Anjou Special Music School None
Kyle Ann Stokes Bard High School Early College Manhattan None
Edwin Anthony Hire
Safiatou Bah Brooklyn Technical High School
Claire Balani Hire 8 rounds None
Amy Bauschard Hire
Dylan Beach Hire
Aniyah Bernard-Speller BSGE Debate Team None
Forrest 평화 Bicker Hire 8 rounds
Murphy Burke Assumption High School 8 rounds
Rich Cadigan Westfield Debate Team 8 rounds None
Meghan Cavanagh Hire 8 rounds None
Gabrielle Cayo Brooklyn Technical High School
Ted Chang Hire 8 rounds
Mary Chesnut Hire 8 rounds None
Akash Choudhury Hire 8 rounds
Alina Collins Westfield Debate Team None
Benjamin Max Cortez Hire 8 rounds
Gosia Dekempe Bard High School Early College Manhattan 8 rounds None
Lori Donnelley Westfield Debate Team 8 rounds
Jonathan Dworkin Bard High School Early College Queens
Rebecca Eastwood Bard High School Early College Manhattan 8 rounds
Tania Fadhel IN-Tech Academy, MS/HS 368x None
Luke Feder The Browning School None
Doron Feldman Special Music School None
Erin Finnigan Special Music School None
Connor Fischetti The Browning School None
Octavian Florescu High School of American Studies None
Michael Frederic Special Music School None
Elba Galvan Special Music School 8 rounds None
Jay Garg Hire 8 rounds
Alan Gibbemeyer Westfield Debate Team 8 rounds None
Lara Gibbemeyer Westfield Debate Team None
Marc Grodsky High School of American Studies None
Chingfen Han Westfield Debate Team None
Eric Heuberger Millennium Brooklyn High School None
Katie Humphries Paul Laurence Dunbar HS 8 rounds
Malika Ilboudo Hire 8 rounds None
Stacy John Hire 8 rounds None
Kangkhita Kaes BSGE Debate Team None
Aeden Kamadolli Hire 8 rounds
Lauren Levy High School of American Studies None
Harry Lipman Special Music School None
Susan Lopez Fiorello H Laguardia High School None
Murielle Louis The Browning School None
Christopher Lucas Paul Laurence Dunbar HS 8 rounds
Lorena Luciano Special Music School None
Ariana Lyde Queens High School for the Sciences at York College 8 rounds None
Soumyaa Mathur BSGE Debate Team None
Elizabeth M. Miller High School of American Studies None
Greg Miller Hire 8 rounds
Emil Moffa Hire 8 rounds None
Ellen Morris Bard High School Early College Manhattan None
Hannah Grannis Moskowitz Hire 8 rounds
Lily Nellans Trinity HS 8 rounds
Jessica OBrien Hire None
Brett Olivares BSGE Debate Team None
Eric Osipov Brooklyn Technical High School
Diego Pancho American Dream Charter School None
Jayden Perez Queens High School for the Sciences at York College 8 rounds None
Sam Permutt The Browning School
Natalie Pitta Bard High School Early College Queens None
Brian Plane The Browning School
George Pu Queens High School for the Sciences at York College 8 rounds None
Roberto Quesada Brooklyn Technical High School
Emma Ranheim Fiorello H Laguardia High School None
Marium Rizvi Special Music School 8 rounds None
Sophia Rothman BSGE Debate Team None
Andrea Schaefer NEST + m None
Anjali Siluveru Hire 8 rounds
Diana Sorobey Hire 8 rounds
Paula Suozzi High School of American Studies None
Cynthia Tan Hire 8 rounds
Rifah Tasnia Brooklyn Technical High School
Melodie Ting The Browning School
Kristen Victorino Westfield Debate Team 8 rounds None
Dan Viderman Brooklyn Technical High School
Anabel Witzke BSGE Debate Team None
Melanie Zhang Hire 8 rounds
Philip Zitser Brooklyn Technical High School