Southern States Middle School Speech and Debate Championship

2022 — NSDA Campus, US
Public Forum Paradigm List
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Stephan Brooks Brooks Debate Institute
Ishan Deshpande Del Mar Montessori School
Alex Dischler Hire
Manish Garg ModernBrain
Chris Gentry The Harker School
RAJESH GOWDA The Golden State Academy None
Christine Harrigan ModernBrain
nicole he Hire
Phoebe He LeapUp Learning
Shaheen Husain Joaquin Miller Middle School None
Benjamin Jensen The Harker School
Fidencio Jimenez ModernBrain
Varinder Kumar Joaquin Miller Middle School
Gloria Lau Joaquin Miller Middle School
Jamie Ma ModernBrain
Ishaan Machhar Speech and Debate India None
Meredith MacLeod St. Luke's School (Middle School)
Prahlad Madhu Speech and Debate India
Vishwas Manral The Golden State Academy
amiya miller LeapUp Learning None
Samarth Modi Hire
Prabhakar Nacham Honor Academy
Syamantak Sen ModernBrain
Anjana Sethi Hire None
Sreekanth Setty The Golden State Academy
Achyut Shah Joaquin Miller Middle School None
Shivani Shrotri Speech and Debate India
Imad Siddiqui Hire
Anoop Singh Joaquin Miller Middle School
Shashidhar Srinivasa The Golden State Academy
Ishan Tandon Kent Denver School
Justin Wang Del Mar Montessori School
lijuan Wang Joaquin Miller Middle School None
Aiden Welsh Kent Denver School None
Ty Wright ModernBrain None
Madison Wyatt Cabot Jr. High South
YOUYAN XU Joaquin Miller Middle School None
Li Zhu Joaquin Miller Middle School None