68th National Debate Tournament in Indiana

2014 — IN/US
Open Paradigm List
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Adam Abelkop Indiana 4 rounds
Teddy Albiniak Texas 4 rounds
Sam Allen Wyoming 4 rounds
Andrew Allsup Kansas State 8 rounds
Michael Antonucci Harvard 4 rounds
David Arnett Kentucky 4 rounds
Jarrod Atchison Wake Forest 4 rounds
Shree Awsare James Madison 6 rounds
Dan Bagwell Wake Forest 5 rounds
Ken Bailey Wake Forest 2 rounds
Brendon Bankey Kansas 4 rounds
Tim Barouch Northwestern 5 rounds
Christian Bato Nevada Las Vegas 4 rounds
Michael Bausch Wyoming 4 rounds
Ryan Beiermeister Northwestern 4 rounds None
Joe Bellon Georgia State 5 rounds
Cole Bender Liberty 4 rounds
Brian Box Kansas 4 rounds
Nicholas Brady UC-Irvine 5 rounds
Oliver Brass Wake Forest 4 rounds
Brett Bricker Kansas 4 rounds
Adrienne Brovero Mary Washington 4 rounds
Max Bugrov Fresno State 8 rounds
Shae Bunas Central Oklahoma 4 rounds
Jeff Buntin Northwestern 4 rounds
Neil Butt Vanderbilt 4 rounds
Lauren Cameron Binghamton 8 rounds
Andy Casey North Texas 4 rounds
Jamie Cheek Weber State 8 rounds
Ryan Cheek Weber State 8 rounds
Doowon Chung Minnesota 4 rounds None
Joshua Clark Michigan 4 rounds
Nate Cohn Georgetown 4 rounds
John Cook Hire 8 rounds
Deven Cooper Fresno State 8 rounds
Roger Copenhaver Idaho State 5 rounds
Abraham Corrigan Wake Forest 3 rounds
David Cram Helwich Minnesota 4 rounds
Parker Cronin Michigan 4 rounds
Chris Crowe Berkeley 4 rounds
Michael Davis James Madison 4 rounds
Warren Decker George Mason 4 rounds
Brian DeLong Indiana
Kyle Deming Michigan 4 rounds
Ashley Denney Kansas State 8 rounds
Philip DiPiazza UT San Antonio 8 rounds
Nick Donlan Dartmouth College 4 rounds
Izak Dunn Arizona State 4 rounds
Michael Eisenstadt Nevada Las Vegas 4 rounds
Darren Elliott Kansas City Kansas CC 4 rounds
Scott Elliott Kansas City Kansas CC 5 rounds
Ignacio Evans Towson 8 rounds
Kirk Evans Texas 4 rounds
Rashad Evans Rutgers-Newark University 8 rounds
Jack Ewing Harvard 4 rounds
Gus Eyzaguirre Harvard 4 rounds
Jonah Feldman Berkeley 4 rounds
Henry Fields Indiana
Kurt Fifelski Central Oklahoma 8 rounds
Matt Fisher Northwestern 4 rounds
Daniel Fitzmier Northwestern 4 rounds
Jordan Foley Wake Forest 3 rounds
Eric Forslund Michigan 4 rounds
Katie Frederick Indiana
Gregory Friend Northwestern 4 rounds
Ryan Galloway Hire 6 rounds
Andres Gannon Southern California 5 rounds
Seth Gannon Georgetown 4 rounds
Richard Garner Harvard 4 rounds
Lincoln Garrett Kentucky 4 rounds
Matt Gerber Baylor 4 rounds
Kirk Gibson Emory 5 rounds
Robert Glass Binghamton 8 rounds
Tom Gliniecki Michigan State 8 rounds
Samantha Godbey Hire 8 rounds
Joshua Gonzalez Houston 4 rounds
Robert Goodrich Vermont 4 rounds
Malcolm Gordon University of Missouri - Kansas City 4 rounds
Logan Gramzinski Georgia 4 rounds
Justin Green Wake Forest 4 rounds
LaToya Green Wake Forest 6 rounds
Jishnu Guha-Majumdar Texas 4 rounds
Ben Hagwood Liberty 4 rounds
Michael Hall Liberty 4 rounds
Sherry Hall Harvard 4 rounds
Blake Hallinan Indiana 5 rounds
Aaron Hardy Northwestern 5 rounds
Allison Harper George Mason 4 rounds
Casey Harrigan Michigan State 4 rounds
Scott Harris Kansas 4 rounds
Andrew Hart Georgia 6 rounds
Kaitlyn Haynal Wyoming 5 rounds
David Heidt Michigan 4 rounds
Craig Hennigan Wayne State 5 rounds
Avery Henry Wayne State 5 rounds
James Herndon Emory 4 rounds
Scott Herndon UT Dallas 4 rounds
Michael Hester West Georgia 4 rounds
David Hingstman Iowa 6 rounds
John Holland Emory 6 rounds
Paul Johnson Iowa 5 rounds
Willie Johnson Vermont 8 rounds
Aaron Kall Michigan 4 rounds
Kevin Kallmyer Georgetown 4 rounds
Paul Kanellopoulos Harvard 4 rounds
Mike Kearney Kansas 8 rounds None
Joe Keeton Vanderbilt 4 rounds
Amber Kelsie Towson 4 rounds
Patrick Kennedy Harvard 4 rounds
Sean Kennedy Kansas 4 rounds
Judd Kimball Mary Washington 4 rounds
Justin Kirk Kansas 4 rounds
John Koch Wayne State 4 rounds
Joe Koehle Kansas State 4 rounds
SCOTT KOSLOW Baylor 6 rounds
Christopher Kozak Rutgers-Newark University 8 rounds
Jeff Kurr Hire 4 rounds
Kevin Kuswa Whitman College 4 rounds
Brian Lain North Texas 4 rounds
Andy Larson Whitman College 5 rounds
Austin Layton Michigan 4 rounds None
Edward Lee Emory 4 rounds
Joel Lemuel Southern California 5 rounds
chris loghry Hire 6 rounds
Dayvon Love Binghamton 8 rounds
Sean Lowry James Madison 8 rounds
Alyssa V Lucas-Bolin Nevada Las Vegas 4 rounds
Chris Lundberg Harvard 4 rounds
Geoff Lundeen West Georgia 5 rounds
Sarah Lundeen West Georgia 4 rounds
Jim Lyle Mary Washington 4 rounds
Mikaela Malsin Georgia 6 rounds
Brian Manuel Rutgers-Newark University 4 rounds
Jillian Marty Vermont 6 rounds
Jackie Massey Oklahoma 4 rounds
Erik Mathis Georgia State 7 rounds
Samuel Maurer Rutgers-Newark University 4 rounds
Brian McBride Southern California 4 rounds
Kevin McCaffrey Michigan 4 rounds
Patrick McCleary George Mason 4 rounds
Brad Meloche Kentucky 8 rounds
Gordie Miller Oklahoma 8 rounds
Josh Miller Nevada Las Vegas 4 rounds
Nicholas Miller Emory 4 rounds
Leah Moczulski Wake Forest 4 rounds
Matthew Moore Central Oklahoma 5 rounds
Ashley Morgan Hire 8 rounds
Eric Morris Missouri State 4 rounds
William Mosley-Jensen Georgia 4 rounds
Robert Mulholand Georgia 4 rounds
Avi Munoz Minnesota 4 rounds
Gabe Murillo Oklahoma 5 rounds
Steven Murray Baylor 8 rounds
Bruce Najor Wayne State 4 rounds
Len Neighbors Wake Forest 4 rounds
Cameron Norris Vanderbilt 4 rounds None
Danielle O'Gorman Mary Washington 4 rounds
Charles Olney Dartmouth College 7 rounds
Kate Ortiz Rutgers-Newark University 8 rounds
Martin Osborn North Texas 4 rounds
Joe Packer Georgetown 4 rounds
Ralph Paone Texas 4 rounds
Em Parker Arizona State 4 rounds
Sarah Partlow Lefevre Idaho State 2 rounds
Sydney Pasquinelli Oklahoma 6 rounds
Joe Patrice United States Military 6 rounds
Jonathan Paul Georgetown 4 rounds
Dallas Perkins Harvard 4 rounds
Louie Petit North Texas 4 rounds
Scott Phillips Michigan 4 rounds
Stephen Pipkin Michigan 4 rounds
Jackie Poapst George Mason 4 rounds
Jacob Polin Berkeley 4 rounds
Dylan Quigley Harvard 4 rounds
Andrea Reed Kentucky 4 rounds
J.V. Reed Texas 4 rounds
Joel Reed Missouri State 4 rounds
Jason Regnier Concordia College 6 rounds
Shanara Reid-Brinkley Kansas City Kansas CC 4 rounds
William Repko Michigan State 4 rounds
Caitlin Reynolds Indiana 2 rounds
Collin Roark North Texas 4 rounds
Jeff A Roberts George Mason 4 rounds
Eric Robinson Trinity 6 rounds
Joel Rollins Texas 4 rounds
Kathryn Rubino United States Military 7 rounds
Bill Russell Dartmouth College 7 rounds
Jason Russell Oklahoma 5 rounds
Nick Ryan Liberty 4 rounds
Phil Samuels UT Dallas 4 rounds
Sandoz Sandoz Vanderbilt 4 rounds
Adam Scher United States Military 4 rounds
Jim Schultz Wake Forest 3 rounds
Nick Sciullo Georgia State 4 rounds
Brian Severson Iowa 5 rounds
Lindsey Shook James Madison 4 rounds
Eric Short Minnesota 4 rounds
William Smelko Berkeley 6 rounds
Stephanie Spies Northwestern 4 rounds
Spiker Spiker James Madison 8 rounds
Sarah Spring Houston 4 rounds
Gordon Stables Southern California 5 rounds None
Fred Sternhagen Concordia College 7 rounds
Ron Stevenson Wayne State 4 rounds
Chris Stone Kansas 4 rounds
Corey Stone Missouri State 4 rounds
Kristen StoutHart Missouri State 2 rounds
Ken Strange Dartmouth College 4 rounds
David Strauss Michigan State 4 rounds
Matt Struth Wake Forest 3 rounds
Peter Susko George Mason 4 rounds
Gabrielle Tandet Harvard 4 rounds
James Taylor Oklahoma 6 rounds
Terrell Taylor Mary Washington 4 rounds
Keegan Tomik Dartmouth College 4 rounds
Sarah Topp Trinity 5 rounds
John Turner Emory 4 rounds
Lindsay Van Luvanee Idaho State 6 rounds
Scott Varda Baylor 4 rounds
Matthew Vega University of Missouri - Kansas City 4 rounds
Kyle Vint Iowa 5 rounds
Jon Voss Michigan 4 rounds
Heather Walters Missouri State 4 rounds
John Warden Northwestern 5 rounds
Ryan Wash Wake Forest 8 rounds
Hays Watson Georgia 4 rounds
Aaron Weathers Fresno State 8 rounds
Stephen Weil Emory 4 rounds
Sarah Weiner Berkeley 4 rounds
Mike "Shooter" Weitz Oklahoma 7 rounds
Whit Whitmore Michigan 6 rounds
Kelly Winfrey Kansas State 4 rounds
Austin Woodruff Liberty 8 rounds
Natalie Woodward Minnesota 4 rounds
Carly Wunderlich Michigan State 4 rounds
Kelly Young Wayne State 4 rounds
Edmund Zagorin Iowa 5 rounds
Alex Zendeh Whitman College 4 rounds