Last changed on
Sat February 10, 2024 at 7:22 AM EST
I'm a former competitor in Extemp and Public Forum. I've been coaching for around ten years. I teach world history in Atlanta. I haven't judged much policy debate but I've judged and coached plenty of speech, LD, Public Forum and World Schools.
Things I like: arguments with warrants, citations, consistent logic, argument extensions, relevant questions, speaking skills (good flow, clear, etc...), theory, speech roadmaps, evidence, etc...
Things I do not like: rudeness and arguments without citations and/or warrants.
Analytic arguments are fine for any of the debate events.
Worlds Schools - Do not spread.
Policy - Kritiks, disadvantages and topicality are all fine. I like line-by-line and clear organization in your speeches. For me, an ideal debate would be polite, insightful, and have some relevance to our current historical moment. It would represent the zeitgeist so to say.
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask.