Last changed on
Fri March 1, 2024 at 7:05 AM CST
I believe in well constructed Affirmatives that are Prima Facia. I believe T is used as a generic argument to waste time. Unless the case is actually Untopical/Abusive, I won't vote for it. I like to see real world argumentation with real advantages/disadvantages. Unless you can actually tell me the closest we have been to Nuclear war, and that we are there now, I won't buy it. Let's see clash on the stock issues. I would much rather see you debate the actual topic rather than debate theory. This is Policy debate
Spread at your own risk. If I can't understand your points because you don't slow down and label contentions and points, how am I going to know where it goes on the flow.
I haven't met a K that I have voted for.
LD-I just want clash and a spirited debate on Values and points. I will flow everything in the round and use it in my decision making
PF-I want to see good clash of points with sound reasoning. And politeness in CX. If you are rude or barking in your Crossfire, it will probably reflect in your rankings