Newark Debate Academy EMS 2
2024 — Newark, NJ/US
Hired judges Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideI'm pretty open minded to any technique/approach with respect to cases and debating (spreading, Critiques, Theories etc).
I expect both debaters to exhibit sportsmanship and decorum when engaging with each other.
Be sure to provide adequate evidence and to link back to your Contention/Value Criterion. Try to provide distinctive arguments in a claim-warrant-impact format.
Also, be sure to crystallize your arguments in your last speech. This is important on the flow and I will weigh the round based on this.
I used to read these in High School all the time, I hated it when it was too long. So I will try to make this short and descriptive.
About me: I am born and raised in Newark NJ, the biggest inner city in New Jersey. I grew up with K debate and hated it. Slowly K debate grew on me. I do also enjoy policymaking, but I hate politicians. I think good ideas should be discussed and debate helps us explore those ideas. I think debate becomes problematic once we rely on vague explanations and lying to win.
Debated in middle school for 3 years and debated for Technology High School for 4 years. I debated in college for about 2 years, and I judge on and off. I have about a decade of involvement in the Debate space.
I enjoy critiques but I also incorporated theory in practice through political organizing for 3 years. I have strong opinions of armchair Marxists and intellectuals who are counter-revolutionary.
I think Debate is a mess, and I wonder if it is helpful when it is so detached from reality. Regardless if it is a critique or a policy action. Both worlds have their limitations. Debate is good because it teaches us things, but I think that education goes backward eventually.
I currently work as a Medical Case Manager for a non-profit.
Please just run what you believe in, as long as you debate well, I will vote for it. Don't try to run a k just because I like them. If you cannot run it well, especially with my big opinions, I will NOT vote on it....
Theory: I will not vote on Theory unless there are voters. I do not enjoy theory, but I will vote on it IF you can use the round as an example of abuse. I need empirical evidence while you are debating.
I hate vague alternatives. But I also don't think vague and hypothetical policymaking will change anything.
I like specifics but do not run ASPEC.
Answer your arguments. If you don't answer them I will have to vote on it if they explain it well.
Finally, Analysis analysis analysis! You can tell me to vote on something but I need a detailed reason.
I will never vote on an ethics challenge.
I will not vote aff on presumption, that makes no sense. Aff changes the status quo. Aff passes a policy. Negative advocates for the SQ if there is no K or CP.
I have debated in Lincoln-Douglas Debate for 4 years in Science park high school. I recently graduated and I am now on the Rutgers Newark debate team. I've qualified to the TOC in both Lincoln-Douglas and Policy debate my senior Year.
I give high speaks if you are clear and really good in the big picture debate. I like a good story.
Newark Science Alum - I debated LD 2004-2008, Had tons of fun, learned alot, made it to Nationals in Vegas my Senior Year. I have been judging LD on and off since then.
I appreciate the traditional debating style and argument construction because I generally believe keeping things really simple and clear is more difficult than constructing a complex argument. Counter-intuitive, I know. With that said I also love new and fresh arguments and debating styles, as long as they make sense and are not complicated for the sake of complication (read: jargon and fluff)
I like when debaters tell me what to do in a round and why to do it. This makes signing the ballot a lot easier. I will sit and evaluate over 50 arguments at the end of the round. I will, but i'd rather you narrow it down by telling me what to focus on.
Everthing below is Copied and pasted from my former coach, Jonathan Alston. We kinda share the same philosophies.
Be clear. Be very clear. If you are spreading politics or something that is easy to understand, then just be clear. I can understand very clear debaters at high speeds when what they are saying is easy to understand. Start off slower so I get used to your voice and I'll be fine.
Do not spread philosophy. If I have a hard time understanding it at conversational speeds I will not understand it at high speeds. (Don't spread Kant or Foucault.)
Slow down for analytics. If you are comparing or making analytical arguments that I need to understand, slow down for it.
I want to hear the warrants in the evidence. Be clear when reading evidence. I don't read cards after the round if I don't understand them during the round.
Make it make sense. I'll vote on it if it is reasonable. Please tell me how it functions and how I should evaluate it. The most important thing about theory for me is to make it make sense. I would like for the debates about the debate to be interesting.
Pre-Standard Arguments
Every argument has a standard, even if it is pre the agreed upon standard in the round. Explain to me why it is important or makes sense. I like smart, substantive arguments.
Don't take it out of context. I do ask for cites. Cites should be readily available. Don't cut evidence in an unclear or sloppy manner. Cut evidence ethically. Do not take evidence out of context by cutting qualifiers like "might" or "maybe".
Things are largely the same, but I needed to note one thing. I notice a lot of debaters will just spread through the tags and evidence at the same speed and have poor signposting.
You should go
[Tag] - 50% Speed,
[Evidence] - 100% Speed,
Then after your done, say "AND" or "NEXT" very distinctly before continuing. Otherwise a lot of what yall say just end up sounding like a word slurry, which is especially dangerous for someone like me. Debate is a speech activity.
SPARKLING ZERO IS OUT; if you give me a good Majin Buu reference during your speech, i'll give you +0.1 speaks.
2023 - TOC UPDATE:
pretty much the same to be honest.
Despite being a very, very, very average debater (just a few late elims here and there) during my time [loooooong ago, im like an old man at this point bro], I can empathize with TOC-goers and how it's often their last [big] tournament. I'll try my best to make an accurate decision but do listen to my other parts of my paradigm. I am rusty and have a big emphasis on ~clarity~ of speech.
krispy kreme donuts and pickle speech bonuses are not in application for the TOC.
sorry folks
I have not judged debate in the past three years beyond a few middle school tournaments in the past month. I will be unfamiliar with this new topic besides a basic understanding, and you should start slow in general. I'm not the best with hearing spreading in general and being over a laptop likely makes that worst.
Your better off treating me like a smart parent judge (talk fast but preferably less spreading) who has some basic knowledge of debate rather than an old debater out of high school, since it's been 5-6 years and I didn’t end up doing college debate at all.
A lot of basic, intuitive debate theory is no longer intuitive to me since it's been like five years. I'm basically 50 in young people years at this point. If you think you don't have to dumb things down because of my past, you are WRONG. You will set yourself up for an L.
My cheat sheet should still be pretty accurate, but treat #1 as even higher than before.
yo whats up? I’m Osmane and I debated at Newark Science for 4 years. I was pretty average for a debater, never really too high level and barely won anything so take that in to account when preffing me... yeah heh.
Bring me Krispy Creme Donuts and i'll boost your speaker points by 0.2
Buy me a packaged pickle (Like Van Holten's) and ill bost them by 0.3
[inflation update, KCDonuts now only grant a 0.1 boost, and pickles by 0.2]
GO SLOWER THAN NORMAL! I haven't judged in a solid minute and know only surface layer knowledge about this topic. I also have trouble hearing in general sometimes, so clarity is really important in front of me. I'll say clear twice before i start deducting speaks instead of saying clear.
Osmane's Cheat Sheet:
1 - Traditional Debate (Morals, not phil, like old school LD debate)
2 - Identity-related kritiks (fair warning: I'm not too good with highly abstract interpretations of identity),
3 - Counterplans, Disadvantages, Topicality
4 - Theory
Wildcard: Untopical Affirmatives - The more feasible/material it is to me, the more receptive it'll be to me. An untopical aff to use rhetoric in debate rounds to spread positivism is probably more receptive than an aff about throwing trash around as a symbolic way of fighting back against capitalism through ecological BURST!
I'm a first year, so DON'T assume that my judging will reflect the way I debated. I'm a wild card and you should pref me as such.
My email for speech docs is
My influences in debate have been Chris Randall, Jonathan Alston, Elijah Smith, and Devane Murphy. Also Osmane, that guy is sexy, phew. [2022 revisiting and man, he really is.] [2024 and bro is now Super Saiyan Sexy, it's insane how much his AURA has grown.]
Note: Most of those influences are HIGHLY material people who take abstract things to their logical ends (i said most of them.). This means a material K that I can see logically working is better than some convoluted junk I can't understand. Use more common talk with me than debate jargon, I barely ever understood it.
-Newark Science
Basic things:
don't say racist, sexist, or messed up things like Death is good.
I enjoy a slower delivery to spread where I hear emphasis and a more persuasive approach to vocalizing your arguments. I'll award higher speaks if you speak as if you were an impassioned speaker.
I read these most of my junior and senior year. Please DO NOT just read these because you see me in the back of the room. I do not want to see K’s messed up so I have a pretty high threshold for K’s. Please make sure you explain your link story and what your alt does. I feel like these are the areas where K debates often get stuck. I like K weighing which is heavily dependent on framing. I feel like people throw out buzzwords such as anti blackness and expecting me to check off my ballot right there. I'm very material in alternative explanations, so if you don't explain the alternatives . . let's just say winning your K will be harder. If your going to be running some sort of post-modernism, I HAVE ALMOST NEVER understood the abstract way people run it, so run it 'materially' if possible. I might not be the best for it but I'd rather you go for POMO that your good at then messing up hard on some identity-based K
wasn't ever really my thing, but go for it. I'm not too versed on CP theory.
ha. HA. HA! HA! no.
Just like people think that I love K’s because I debated for Newark, people think I hate theory which is pretty damn right. I hate frivolous theory and the rigid technicality based formatting of theory. If it's legitimate and I'm like "yeah naw that opponent did some abusive junk" i'll consider it though. I rather you make it an in-round disad as opposed to a separate theoretical argument. I default Education > Fairness, Reasonability and drop the argument.
Their fine. I feel like people love to read these crazy scenarios in order to magnify the impact. More power to you. If you feel like you have to read 10 internal links to reach your nuke war scenario and you can win all of them, more power to you. Just make the story make sense. I vote for things that matter and make sense.
eh. neutral bout them. I rather a plan than a super abstract aff.
I don't like voting on this because everyone has their own idea of how it works. This is mine:
Neg has presumption until they read some sort of alternative (via k, cp, or whatever.) then it shifts to aff.
you drop it you lose.
Speaker points
Like I said, I really like passionate speakers. That'll boost up your points for sure.
I’ve competed in Policy Debate at Science Park High School/University High School (Jersey Urban Debate League now known as Newark Debate Academy) in Newark, NJ.
*Experienced Judging in LD, Policy Debate as well as Public Forum.*
-I prefer debaters to stand when speaking.
Speed: I generally don’t mind debater spreading as long as they are clear when they are reading evidence. I would like for debaters to slow down when reading tags. I want to be able to hear your warrants in the evidence. If you are going to be making any analytical arguments be sure to slow down for that as well.
Cross-Examination: I love C-X! Good C-X that is. Open C-X is OK with me as long as the debater whose turn it is does most of the speaking.
Speaker Points: 27 is average, I generally don’t go lower than a 25.
Evidence: Evidence should readily be available to everybody participating in the debate round. If there’s evidence read that doesn’t have any citation, I will disregard it.
I really appreciate it when debaters in rebuttals provide an overall summary of the round and crystallization.
The team that makes the best arguments and overall does superb job persuading me wins!
LD: Standards should be clear (Values and Criterion)