Katy Taylor Middle School Invitational
2025 — Katy, TX/US
Congress Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideLD:
I find value based arguments based on how things ought to be over policy to be most persuasive in LD debates, although policy as support can certainly be useful and demonstrative. Progressive argumentation is fine, and spreading is fine as long as it can still be understood. I expect the winning argument to be persuasive and effectively communicated, I should feel that I have been made to believe in what is being said and why you should win. If I need your case in writing to follow it, it won't be as persuasive and will be judged accordingly. I expect the debaters to set the terms, rules and ultimately the outcome of the debate based on what is said, not left unsaid. I won't connect the dots for your arguments, explain it me. I'm a huge fan of philosophical arguments setting up for clash. I'm familiar with a variety of K's and KvK's are great. I enjoy a debate that both an expert and a lay-judge can identify a winner. As far as speakers, I am looking for well paced delivery, sign posts, strong framing and weighing being presented effectively to tell me why you will win.
General prefs
1 Value Framework/Phil
2 Policy/ K's
3 Theory
4 Tricks
PF: I'd really prefer to see pf done the way it was intended. In other words pure policy and impact weighing without utilizing more progressive methods of debate. That being said, I'll judge it the way the debaters wind up debating the topics. So if you go tech rather than substance I'll still be able to judge properly. Generally I don't expect a value framework and the default is util calculus. Creative and unique arguments will be
Congress: I'm looking for congressional debaters to display appropriate round vision and understanding of the argumentation and how it is interacting on the chamber floor. A great constructive speech given in the middle of a session without clash won't be judged as well as if it were given earlier. I like to see good utilization of questions to impact the debate in chambers, as well as good clash during speeches with direct refutation of other congressional reps. Speeches at the end of a debate on a bill should be more crystallization speeches, and preferably give me weighing mechanisms for how to vote on each bill. Delivery matters, but proper understanding of the interaction of argumentation and directing that debate appropriately impacts my ballot the most heavily. Good funny AGD's are always appreciated as well as some LARP in congress is always nice to see. Proper framing of the issues is something lacking in most congress sessions and doing so will help you stand out on my ballot.
WSD: I'm looking for well warranted, persuasive arguments delivered in an appealing style. Solid respectful clash, too much aggression will negatively impact speaker points. Good proper use of poi's and smooth handling of poi's without just using it as a disruption will make make happy, using it as a tactic in itself will not. I'm a big fan of burdens when applicable, solid framing and well evidenced arguments coupled with strong analytics. I'm going to be heavily influenced by well presented narratives, weighing and comparatives. I'm not going to connect any dots in your arguments, so make sure to fully explain your links. I'll respond better to rhetorical explanations of why you're winning over technical jargon.