Deer Creek Universe
2025 — Edmond, OK/US
CX Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideI am a fairly new debate judge, but I will try my best to evaluate the round fairly.
I prefer both teams and myself to keep time. Please include a countdown or a statement to make sure we are all ready to start our timers at the same time. - Feel free to time your own prep, but I will also keep both teams prep time and confirm we are all on the same page.
Make sure to be clear when you speak, and PLEASE GIVE ME A ROADMAP of what you're hitting in round. I prefer light spreading. I can deal with a bit of speed, but CLARITY is much more important. I'd prefer to have time to digest your arguments. If I can’t understand you, I cannot flow the debate.
I prefer a line-by-line debate, but feel free to tell me what you think is more important/has more weight in the round. When I evaluate evidence, I will only evaluate the words in that evidence that were read in the round. Be bold and make strategic choices earlier in the debate; it is usually rewarding.
CX: I prefer a round where opponents refer to and look at each other. Please do not stare me down.
Follow all OSSAA rules for a fair and educational debate.
Speak clearly and eloquently present your arguments.
Be kind.
Be respectful.
Keep the debate fun and competitive!
Be too mean.
Be transphobic, racist, ableist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc.
Hide evidence from the other team to sabotage their prep.
Steal prep.
Lie about your source qualifications.
Text or talk to coaches to get "in round coaching" after the round has started.
Google information after the the round has started.