University of Pennsylvania Liberty Bell Classic
2025 — Philadelphia, PA/US
Congressional Debate Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideI am a cardiologist in the Washington, DC area and I have no background in debate. I have been a parent judge for 6 years, so I do know some of the basic rules.
Please speak clearly and be respectful with asking and answering questions.
Keep your arguments generally socially acceptable.
I prefer probable arguments as opposed to farfetched arguments.I want to hear a good debate. Avoid repeating what others have said. Make sure you address previous speakers and expound on arguments.
Please do not bring up your computer or tablet when giving speeches.
At the end of the session, I have to rank you and that is difficult, so please talk to me when I am finished if possible.
Congressional Debate
I care most about the round being educational and safe.
I will score speeches according to their responsiveness to the debate happening in the round. Introducing new arguments in the back half of the debate can be productive but only if it is contextualized within the debate that has come before it. Every speech after the sponsorship should be responsive.
When referring to previous speakers, please do so specifically and respectfully. Vaguely misrepresented claims aren't productive. Show me that you are flowing the round and understand what's happening in the debate.
Demonstrating knowledge of, and participation in, parliamentary procedure is a necessity to get on my ballot. Presiding officers will not receive a default rank if their leadership of the round is subpar but I will evaluate their contributions to the debate with equal weight to those who introduce keystone arguments or central rebuttals. I will assign a score per hour and consider accordingly.
In a presiding officer, I value proficiency and collegiality. Full disclosure, I have not judged an online congress tournament before and I'm not entirely certain of the best practices and standards with setting initial precedence. I will seek guidance on this.
Public Forum Debate
I care most about the round being educational and safe. Ultimately, I'm going to sign my ballot for the team with the least mitigated link chain into the best weighed impact.
I’m fairly tab, so feel free to read anything but be prepared to justify why you’re winning that argument and ultimately why that argument matters in the greater context of the round.
Defense sticks for the first speaking team until it's frontlined; it needs to be extended in FF, though. I don't care what 2nd rebuttal does, only that defense is extended the speech after it's frontlined.
Offense needs to appear in both the summary and the FF for me to evaluate it. Offense is more than just a card tag or author name - warranting is very important.
I don’t want to read evidence and more importantly you don’t want me to read evidence. My interpretation may not match yours and that preempts any muddiness in the round.
Please. Please don’t lie to me in your FF - “unresponded to” is almost never the case and is generally synonymous with “unextended.” Do the work. I won’t do it for you.
I teach AP English Language and Composition and have been coaching Debate for three years (though I also have several years of previous experience as a competitor and coach in Speech/Individual Events).
Please continue reading to see what I value and look for within Congressional sessions:
You need to have a clear organizational structure with effective signposting and verbal transitions that allow me to follow the flow of your arguments as well as specific, well supported contentions and refutations.
I expect you to tell me not only what your evidence is but also why it should matter to me as a judge and a US citizen. Above all, your argument needs to be logical and realistic. While it is easy to exaggerate or extrapolate extreme outcomes, consider the likelihood of the implications that you suggest within the status quo. Your impact should be tangible and concrete. Don’t rely on jargon that does not appeal to your audience to carry your reasoning and assume that it will achieve the intended effect. Be specific and accessible in your explanation.
I look positively on extemporaneous speaking and for making adjustments/flipping based on the flow of debate within the round rather than rehashing already established ideas. In other words, you should be able to tell me how your argument not only responds to the issue addressed within the legislation but also how it responds to the framing of the debate and what you have heard from other speakers.
I frown on breaking cycle, especially when splits are taken at the beginning of the session and there is plenty of time to flip as needed. Debate means that you should be able to adequately consider, present, and respond to a variety of positions. ESPECIALLY if it may have not been what you originally planned in your hypothetical mapping of the flow of debate while prepping.
Refutations should be specific and developed with clear reasoning rather than vaguely listing representative names from the opposing side. They should also evolve as the round does. Rehashing refutations that have been already addressed by previous speakers demonstrates that you are not listening to your fellow competitors.
Be mindful of how you present yourself throughout the session, especially during questioning or as an audience member. Maintain respect for your competitors and decorum at all times. I am always watching and listening, even when it may look like I am busy doing something else.
Your visual delivery should be intentional and enhance your argument. I frown upon spending significant time reading from your pad rather than speaking directly to the audience. I will do my best to give specific feedback on how to improve your delivery as I know that you will likely get more feedback about your argument and content over the course of the tournament.
Thank you for your time and attention preparing for today’s debate. I expect to have a productive and engaging session!
Sorry for being really extra about Congress. I just want to make it clear what I think of each speech
I judge a lot of Congress. Congress to me is half speech and half debate. The best congress students have a mix of both qualities. I find myself in prelim rounds and local tournaments frequently rewarding better speakers because there is a greater talent disparity in those rounds, and kids who are phenomenal speakers break. However, you likely are only reading this if you are a student who takes Congress seriously and expects to get into break rounds. Here’s the thing, once you are in Congress break rounds, everyone is a good speaker and the gap between 1 and 12 is really often negligible to me. Therefore, if you expect to make it into the top 6 and move on, you have to give the appropriate speech at the appropriate time. Here is how I classify different speeches. Each one is judged differently
1st Aff/Authorship/Sponsorship
Judged to a higher evidence standard since you are literally setting the table for the entire round
Needs exceptional structure and argumentation. This should read like a debate case in PF/LD. No claim should go unwarranted, no argument should lack a variety of strong evidence, the impacts should be clear and heavily emphasized
Speech is generally easier since it is prepared in advance, so this speech needs to be very well written
1st Neg
Same standards as the 1st Aff/Authorship/Sponsorship
Difference, you must directly refute what the previous speaker stated. You do not need to refute everything necessarily (although better speakers will), but you should definitely pick out whatever was the key point of their case and directly refute.
2nd Aff/2nd Neg-7th Aff/7th Neg (roughly, this depends on chamber size)
Speeches need to address what is happening in the chamber. A good rule of thumb is to always address the claims of the speaker who went right before you plus the key issues of the round up to that point. If you are not making the debate unique by refuting previous speakers and extending previous speakers from your side, you will have a tough time being ranked top 6
Unique arguments are great and you should draw attention to them. However you are not going to win the debate with a rando argument at the very end with limited impacts. Unique arguments are not a replacement for refutation and extension of previous speakers
Closing Affs and Negs (like the last 4 speeches or so)
Crystalize/Weigh voting issues. At the end of a cycle of debate, it needs to be like a final focus in PF or a 2AR in LD. Isolate the key issues of the round and explain why your side is winning. Speeches that do not weigh this late in the cycle do not add anything to the debate and are judged as unnecessary.
General Congress Speaking Tips
Remember to always use decorum and professionalism
Be consistent in the language you use (don’t flip between bill and legislation randomly)
Important. At the end of the day, you are acting. You are a legislator, not a high school student. You are a legislator whose personal worth is attached to either the passage or failure of this bill because of how it affects the United States citizens. You delivery and disposition should be that of someone who is desperate to see its passage or failure. Show me this is important to you
Role of Cross Examination
I am not paying attention to how many questions you guys ask. I am only really paying attention to the person’s answers. Cross ex should be a time you try to get the opponent to make concessions or show the judges they don’t really know what they are talking about. Be aggressive, but be respectful
Ask lots of questions though. I may not be noting it down, but if you ask a lot of questions, I’ll remember that and it can be used to break ranking ties
Evaluating the PO
If the PO does the following, I am going to rank them top 3 no matter what
Maintains excellent professionalism and decorum
Showcases strong knowledge of parliamentary procedure
Maintains control of the chamber
Makes no mistakes with recency or frequency
One more thing to point out. Running an effective chamber also involves encouraging motions in order to continue facilitating legitimate debate. If there are 3 negs in a row with no Aff, and the debate has been done to death - you should be actively asking for motions and reminding the chamber about how we frown on one sided debate and can move on
One final note about Equity
It is important to be fair to everyone in the chamber. However, this is a competition. You are trying to destroy your opponents and proceed in the tournament. You have no obligation as competitors to ensure all speakers get to speak the same number of times. Now I will admit, other judges may frown on this - so it is risky behavior. I am just letting you know that I will not take points away because you force a motion to call the previous question and end debate when the debate is clearly over and keep someone from speaking.
- Tabroom will not let me eliminate this stray bullet
LD/PF Paradigm
Speed kills. Spread at your own risk.
In LD, you need to win the framework to win the debate
Case needs to tell a cohesive story. You should not include arguments that don’t function under your framework for the sake of just having extra offense
You have to weigh the debate
Respect your opponent. Ideally you should be stone faced when your opponent is speaking and never snicker or make any comment of any kind. I’ll drop you
Voting issues. Gotta have them. What are the key issues of the round in your view? How do I know what to vote off of if you don't tell me what matters?
- There is no 7, tabroom will not let me backspace
Speaker Points
If you are competent and minimize mistakes, you automatically finish with 28.5 speaker points (29 if decimals are forbidden). To improve on that, there need to be zero mistakes, zero arguments that go unrefuted, clear weighing of impact analysis, etc. If you get lower than 28.5, it means you missed something somewhere. I’ll try to put it on the ballot. Overall, if you do your job, you are not finishing with less than 28.5. Going to be honest though, I can't tell you what a 30 is. You have the impress me in some way that I really can't quantify