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Sat October 5, 2024 at 11:28 AM CST
Hi I'm Will (he/him). I'm a debater at Free State. I will listen to anything and maybe flow. I will vote on basically anything as long as its explained. Talking fast is probably okay maybe an 8/10 if you are really really fast. Add me to doc sharing stuff. Ive mostly done policy debates/ran cap but ive watched my fair share of kritikal debates. Just explain everything well if its a k that isnt common.
Add me to the email chain
cx not a speech but you should still reference it if opponents make a mistake
be respectful but sometimes its necessary to interrupt a bit
just stay calm
case debate = good
Explain your arguments please
also extend link chain in every speech even when you collapse in 2ar
Love a good T debate
Default competing interps but I can be swayed for anything
I think disads are good. Just explain the link well and try to make it somewhat specific to the plan if possible.
Counterplans are fine. I'll vote on anything.
K stuff
I'm not super well versed in the world of Ks and I only really know the cap lit (I've read cap) but no matter what I will make an attempt to evaluate it fairly. Make sure you explain the K super well and the other team should point out if it doesn't make sense.