Idaho District 1 Speech Tournament

2019 — Coeur d'Alene, ID/US

Program of Oral Intepretation

Abbreviation POI
Format Speech
Entry Fee $7.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

TIME: 10 minutes MAX; time signals not provided

A copy of manuscript will be turned in at registration; include titles and authors of pieces, name of student and school.

POI is a program of oral interpretation of thematically linked selections chosen from two or three genres: prose, poetry, drama (plays). Unlike the other interpretation events, POI contestants must use at least 2 different sources, and may use more than 2.Competitors shall devote approximately equal times to each of the genres used. All selections must be verbally identified by title and author in the introduction. The use of a manuscript during the performance is required. Common practices include the use of a binder or folder. Reading from a book or magazine is not permitted. The intact manuscript may be used by the contestant as a prop, so long as it remains in the contestant's control at all times. No costumes or props, other than the manuscript, are permitted. While introduction and transition material may be memorized, the contestant must address the script during the rest of the performance. Materials must be from a printed or published source with an ISBN number. An original source without an ISBN number may be used provided it is published and available at the tournament or included in the NSDA interpretation source. Recordings or videos may not be used as the source. Changes to the script may only be used for the purpose of transition or to eliminate profane language. Transitions may be used to clarify the logical sequence of ideas. They are not to be used for the purpose of embellishing the humorous or dramatic effect of the literature
**For the purpose of clarity, “prose” will be defined as any work that expresses thought through language recorded in sentences and paragraphs: fiction (short stories, novels) and non-fiction (articles, essays, journals, biographies), while “poetry” is writing which expresses ideas, experience, or emotion through the creative arrangement of words according to their sound, their rhythm, their meaning. Poetry may rely on verse and stanza form.