Fluco Classic

2020 — Palmyra, VA/US

Serious Duo

Abbreviation SDuo
Format Speech
Entry Fee $15.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Each duo team must present one selection of a serious nature chosen from a single published work. Though the material may contain humorous tones, the climax and resolution must be a serious dramatic nature. Contestant must present the same selection in each round of a given tournament. Each interpreter may present one or more characters and either or both may present narration. A selection must maintain the author's intent, characters and words as written, except for minor use of transitions, unless written permission is granted by the author or publisher for modification and/or adaptation of the published work. The contestants should preface the selection with an introductory statement that will give the audience a better understanding of the selection. The use of a manuscript is prohibited. The performers may not have eye or physical contact with each other except during the introduction and should focus off stage. The performers must begin their presentation from center stage and restrict their physical blocking to movement around one another, switching positions, pivoting from side to side or turning around completely. No properties or costumes are permitted. The timing for this event shall be a maximum of ten minutes, with no minimum time requirement. Adjudicator will not provide time signals.