Harlen Christmas Hamm Invitational Tournament Rowan County HS

2020 — Online, KY/US

Senior - Impromptu

Abbreviation S-IMP
Format Speech
Entry Fee $6.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

IMPROMPTU SPEAKING—Junior and Senior Divisions (2020-2021)

Judge Instructions

Rules Summary

  1. In this event, each competitor prepares and presents a short speech with limited preparation. The maximum time for Impromptu Speaking is seven minutes in the Senior Division, and ten minutes in the Junior Division, which includes both prep time and speaking time. There is a fifteen-second grace period, after which the student must be dropped in rank/rating. No violation of the grace period in Regional/State Quarterfinal, Semifinal, or Final rounds may result in disqualification. No performance violating the grace period may receive ‘1’ in the round.
  2. SENIOR: Students may speak all seven minutes if they desire, but must be penalized if they speak for less than four minutes.
  3. JUNIOR: In the Junior Division, students may speak for all ten minutes if they desire, but must be penalized if they speak for less than three minutes.
  4. TIME SIGNALS. Time signals are required. During Prep time, the judge will call out time at the intervals requested by the contestant. During the performance, time signals using the Count-Down method must be used, indicating the time remaining.
  5. Prep time begins after the speaker has received the topic(s) and has been allowed a few seconds to view it (them). No electronic devices (e.g., computers or tape recorders) may be used, and source materials are not permitted.
  6. The speaker may use one 3 X 5 note card (front and back) while speaking. Students using more than the front and back of one 3 X 5 note card while speaking must be ranked last in the round. Students may use multiple note cards and/or paper to plan speeches during the preparation time before speaking begins.
  7. In all rounds except the final round, the contestant will be given two quotations from which to choose one.
  8. Students will remain outside the room until it is their time to speak, will prepare in the room, and may leave the room once they have spoken if they have another event to attend this round.
  9. Finalists at the State Tournament will respond to an object. At all other rounds of the State Tournament, and in all Rounds at the Regional Tournaments, the topics will be quotations. Invitational tournaments may follow the State or Regional format.

Hints for Judges

  1. Do not permit other students to listen before they have spoken. Contestants must remain outside the room until called upon to speak.
  2. Clarify with the student before he/she begins how time signals will be communicated. Call out the student's prep time and give hand signals while the student is speaking. Start timing after the student receives the topic(s) and has had a few seconds to view it (them).
  3. Make sure the student returns the topic(s) to you after he/she has spoken.
  4. Content and delivery are equally important.

Judging Criteria

I. Choice of Material Used in Speech

Did the speaker effectively develop the topic? Did the speaker use analysis, support, and/or refutation to answer the topic? (The method lies within the topic itself. Impromptu Speaking is not necessarily a persuasive speech.)

II. Organization of Speech

Did the speaker use an effective introduction? Did the speaker identify and support main points? Did the speaker have an effective summary or conclusion?

III. Presentation of Speech

Did the speaker demonstrate attributes of effective speech habits? Did the speaker exhibit poise, control of body, and clarity of voice to effectively communicate with the audience?