Bixby Green Corn Classic 2022 NIETOC OSSAA

2022 — NSDA Campus, OK/US

5A Humorous Duet

Abbreviation 5HD
Format Speech
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

General Rules:

1. Duet teams must qualify together as a team.

2. This event will be divided into two (2) divisions - Humorous and Dramatic Duet.

3. The event shall consist of a cutting from a single work of published, worthwhile literature containing two or more characters using the same diction the author has used in the original manuscript. (Materials taken from a recording will not be accepted.)

4. Additional wording may be added only for the purpose of introduction, transition, and conclusion. Transitions must be used as a vehicle for time or location change only. Total time of introduction, conclusion, and all transitions may not exceed 2 minutes. Author’s wording may not be altered except to delete vulgarities and offensive language.

5. The cutting may consist of more than two characters (plus exposition, i.e., scene descriptions, prologues, narrations, transitions, etc.); but in no case may a school use more than two students to interpret all characters and perform all these functions.

6. The cutting must be presented without scenery, special lighting, costume and/or adjustment of clothing, make-up, sound effects, properties, or furniture other than two simple chairs furnished by the student or host school and the chairs may be used as props. Use of chairs is optional.

7. Maximum time of ten (10) minutes includes all expositions.

8. This is a memorized event. Use of script is not permissible.

9. Verbal prompting from audience is not allowed.

10. A copy from the original script must be available. This copy must have all lines highlighted if they are to be performed. A typed copy of all transitions must also be available. Each separate transition must be numbered with the correct corresponding number placed in the script at the appropriate location. Penalty for failure to have available or follow proper form is, in both instances, disqualification.