Scholars of Speech Fall Brawl Zero Fees

2023 — Irvine, CA/US

Middle School Impromptu

Abbreviation MIMP
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

An impromptu speech, substantive in nature, with prompts varied by round. Prompts will be derived from concrete nouns, abstract nouns, proverbs, famous people, quotations, or additional areas as announced in the tournament invitation. Each speaker will draw three prompts and choose one. Unless double-entered, competitors should remain in the room to hear other competitors’ speeches. Speakers may not consult with anyone else during their prep time. Speakers will have a total of 7 minutes for both preparation and speaking. Timing commences with the acceptance of the prompt. Judges/designated timers should give audible time signals during competitors’ prep time and visual signals during the speech. Competitors may use notes while performing.

Impromptu speakers may not use the same example in the same way in more than two rounds per tournament. For example, a competitor may use Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. more than twice if in round 1 they discuss the “I Have a Dream Speech”, in round 2 they discuss the “March on Selma,” and in round 3 discuss the “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” However, a competitor may not use the “I Have a Dream Speech” in more than two rounds even if the competitor is discussing different elements of the “I Have a Dream Speech” example in each round. This rule is intended to discourage the use of “canned” or memorized speeches in this event.