Gate City Invitational

2023 — Pocatello, ID/US

Open Policy (Sponsored by Jett Smith)

Abbreviation OCX
Format Debate
NFHS Policy
Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase fiscal redistribution in the United States by adopting a federal jobs guarantee, expanding Social Security, and/or providing a basic income
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry Limit Per School 6
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Thanks to Jack Bradley for sponsoring this event.

Policy (CX) Debate is a two-on-two format of debate. Resolutions last the entire school year and engage with federal domestic and/or international policy issues. The Affirmative team advocates for the resolution, typically through the adoption of a plan that serves as an example of the resolution. The Negative team argues against the adoption of the plan, either through advocating for the status quo or a competitive option. Students prepare cases and then engage in an exchange of speeches and cross-examinations in an attempt to convince a judge that they are the better debater in the round.

Note: If varsity students are paired against a novice team, they are required to adhere to the novice policy debate rules at this tournament. This means they should follow the rules as though they were debating other novices in the novice division.

Novice Policy Debate Rules

Novice Policy Debaters must exclusively use evidence from the 2022-2023 Idaho Novice Packet at this tournament. The packet can be found here:

Teams on the Affirmative may choose from one of four plan areas: Restrict Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS), Ban Offensive Cyber Operations (OCOs), Ban Human Germline Genetic Engineering (HGGE), Fund Vaccine Research.

Teams on the Negative must disprove the Affirmative's argument that their plan should be adopted. Negative teams may but are not required to read any generic Disadvantage (NATO Commitment, Iran Deal Politics, Strategic Concept Alignment) or Topicality (Security Cooperation T) arguments from the packet against any of the four plans they may debate in the 1NC. Negative teams also may but are not required to read a specific Disadvantage (Civilian Casualties against LAWS, Enemy Disruption against OCOs, Genetic Diseases against HGGE, Competitive Vaccine Development against Vaccines) and/or specific Topicality arguments (Increase T against LAWS/OCOs/HGGE, Autonomous T against LAWS, Cybersecurity T against OCOs, Bioengineering T against HGGE, Cooperation T against Vaccines, Bioscience T against Vaccines) in the 1NC.

Counterplans and Kritiks are not allowed in the novice policy division at the Gate City Invitational.