Gate City Invitational

2023 — Pocatello, ID/US

Varsity Public Forum (Sponsored by Kaden Marchetti)

Abbreviation OPF
Format Debate
Resolved: The United States federal government should forgive all federal student loan debt
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry Limit Per School 6
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Thank you to Kaden Marchetti for sponsoring this event.

Public Forum (PF) Debate is a two-on-two format of debate. Resolutions explore issues in current events related to policy action and cost-benefit analysis. Students who do Public Forum must be prepared to debate in front of judges without any formal debate training, so adaptation is essential. Students prepare cases and then engage in an exchange of speeches and cross-fires in an attempt to convince a judge that they are the better debater in the round.