Abbeville High Speech Tournament

2023 — Abbeville, LA, LA/US


Abbreviation DEC
Format Speech
Entry Fee $7.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

This selection must have been originally delivered as a speech by its author, a person other than the contestant. The

contestant must briefly state the actual circumstances under which the speech was delivered by its author (taking

not more than 30 seconds). The memorized presentation should convey the message in a sincere, honest, and

realistic style in an attempt to recreate the spirit of the original presentation. The performance should be judged on

vocal and physical delivery as well as the ability to interpret and communicate the meaning of the speech. No

particular style should be demanded of the orator; rather he/she should be free to select and develop his/her own

style and then be judged on his/her ability to hold the audience’s attention and interest and to influence the

audience. Artificiality and/or attempts at dramatization rather than communication should be penalized.